magenta S3 EP3

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I am in the breach room a portal opened and now Joe and Cisco is pointing gun's at the breach

What's going on? Barry asked when he and Iris sped in

That. Caitlin said pointing at the breach

Yeah, why'd you open a breach? Barry asked Cisco

I didn't. He said

What? Barry asked

That's why we called you. Joe said

Well can you close it? Iris asked

Once again, wouldn't have called if I could. Cisco said

Somebody's coming through. Wally said

Get back. Joe said to Wally then Harry jumped through the breach and put his hands up

Allen's. Harry said

Wells. Barry said

I need your help. Harry said

With what? I asked them a speedster jumped through and kept speeding around then stopped

With that. Harry said and I saw jesse

Hey, guys. Jesse said

Jesse. Your a speedster? Wally said

Yeah. It's pretty cool, right? Jesse said

I mean, yeah, I would say so. Iris said and I looked at Wally and I felt bad for him

When did this happen? Caitlin asked jesse

A few days ago. Jesse said

So when I got Allen his speed back, Wally and Jesse were hit with dark matter. Turns out she was affected. She was totally affected. Harry said

But I didn't get speed, so could it have been from something else? Wally asked

No-- I mean I doubt it.dark matter affects different people in different ways at different times-- sometimes not at all, so be thankful, that she was affected, and I want to run some tests and find out just how much. Harry said really fast

Well, then, you've come to the right place. Let's go to the speed Lab. Caitlin said and I looked at her

Speed Lab? Me, Barry, and Harry said at the same time

The whole team walked into the speed Lab

This is insane. Barry said

Something tells me you two have never been in this room before. Cisco said to me and Barry

Nope. Barry said

I'm just lazy. I said

Wait you-- you nev-- Allen's I suppose that means Barry traveled back in time again. Harry said

Yeah, but--

How many times did I tell you not to do that? Harry said to Barry

You figured that out pretty quickly, Harry. Iris said

Yes, Ms. West, it was easy because we've never been here either. Harry said pointing to himself and Jesse

Nope. Jesse said

Right other Earth's other timelines. Joe said

Yes exactly. So when did you do it? After we returned to earth 2? Harry asked

Look, Harry, only a couple things are different. Barry said

Oh, I'm sure. Not. Harry said and I smirked

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