Blaze reborn S4 Ep1

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3rd POV

A samurai showed up at central City

Wally spoke Japanese and asked him what he wanted

The flash and Blaze. The samurai said

Your looking at the Flash, pal. Wally said

Your not the Flash. Your not the best. The samurai said

Bring me the Flash and Blaze. The samurai said again

I'm sensing an " or else." Cisco said

Or else your city falls. The samurai said

The Flash or Blaze ain't coming. Joe said still pointing his gun at the samurai

Furthermore, Mifune, we're going to need you to sheath that sword before somebody gets hurt, somebody like you, for instance, cause your up against some bad hombres, and what do you think you're gonna do against us with a sword? Cisco asked and the samurai slammed his sword on the ground and they got blasted back

You guys okay? Joe asked them

What the hell kinda sword is that? Cisco asked

You have one day. If the Flash or Blaze does not face me, Central city dies. The samurai said and flew away


The Flash or Blaze have not been seen in almost six months leaving us to speculate what can save us from this newest threat. The guy on the news said

There are other superheroes in this town. Wally said with the ice pack on his shoulder

Yeah, and your boy, Kurosawa, over there blew us away like Ragdolls performing his reverse Excalibur. We haven't faced anything like this before. Cisco said

Why do you think he only wanted the Flash and Blaze? Joe asked

He said he wants to fight the best. Cisco said

He's threatening to destroy the city. Do we think he can do it? Iris asked

I say yes. Joe said

Then he has to fight The Flash. Or Blaze. Cisco said

They both aren't here. Barry stopped being the Flash after he lost his brother. Joe said

Yeah he left central City. Wally said

What if they were? Cisco said

Iris, you said it yourself. Just us trying to keep the city safe, we're barely getting it done. And this guy, he's no joke. If we don't offer up the flash, or blaze, there's going to be serious damage. People are going to die and that's going to be on us. We need to bring Alex back. Cisco said

Cisco, we can't. If Alex comes out, the speed force prison goes--

It becomes unstable. It could destroy the city, the whole world. Wally said finishing what Joe was saying

Which is exactly what we're trying to prevent. Iris said

What if I can solve that? Cisco said

In the next 24 hours? Wally asked

Yes! Guys, I've been working on this. Cisco said

For how long? Iris asked

Since the night he left. Cisco said

Cisco? Iris said

I've had help. I've consulted with Harry and--antenna and Tracy and Felicity and curtis, and I'm pretty sure I figured out a way to stabilize the speed force prison and free Alex without unleashing another lightning storm on the city. I just need a couple more things. Cisco said

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