Runaway Raccoon

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First half happens while Y/n is on his way to Anima City

Okay so when somebody is thinking it appears as, Name 'Example'

The scene opens up to an ATM in a tunnel, we are greeted with a sign of a human and a beastman holding hands, the sign read, "Let's hold hands."

A figure in a cloak is seen walking towards the ATM, they're typing in a few things, only to hear a some beastmen hunters walking towards them.

They quickly hide, and watch as the hunters spray paint on the sign.

They then open up a vent which they were hiding in, the cloaked figure seems to be carrying their wallet on their mouth. The figure walks towards the sign, which now reads, "Fuck Beastmen. KYS Roadkill & Vermin."

Cut to outside on a television screen

News Reporter: "10 years have passed since the enforcement of the Beastmen Special Zone, there's strong antipathy against Beastmen territory, and a protest at the front of the congress is currently going on.."

The view changes to a bus

We see the cloaked figure walking towards the bus

Bus Driver: "Now departing. All standing passengers please hold onto the handrails."

From behind the window of the bus we see the figure climb up onto the bus, all while remaining unnoticed

The bus departs and is now on a road near an area with a lot of trees

The cloaked figure takes off the cloak, only to reveal a beastmen, Michiru Kagemori, a cute beastman with blue hair, a puffy tail, and a bright red sweater, and she seems to either be a tanuki or a raccoon, find out later, she stretches and gives a long sigh

Up from the horizon she notices a city, the one and only Anima City!

She pulls out her phone and clicks on a video, which has the mayor of Anima City speaking

Mayor Rose: "Ever since we established the Beastman Territory law, we have managed to develop Anima City, a city where beastmen can truly live as themselves."

Michiru puts down her phone to look at Anima City

Michiru: "That's it!

Some weird company named Sylvasta Pharmaceuticals pops up on her phone as an advertisement

Out of nowhere Michiru's phone gets shot by an arrow

Michiru's Pov:

I was looking at my phone, when out nowhere it got shot while I was holding it! I quickly turned around, only to be met with some beastmen hunters on motorcycles and some in a van

The hunter with a crossbow shot at me, my tail quickly expanded and acted as a shield covering me, the force of the arrow made me fall off of the bus I was riding on

Michiru: "No! Please not now-!"

I began quickly trying to run, but one of the hunters swung at me with a pipe, I landed on the rails of the road and began running on all fours

I jumped off the rail in panick, and fell down a hill into the trees. The hunters stopped to get down where I was at

Michiru: "Ouch.."

I saw the hunters walking down the hill towards me, so I began running as fast as I could while being chased by them.

Out of nowhere I got hit in the head by a baseball bat. It hurt like hell, the hit made me fall down and I tried to protect myself by covering my head with my arms.

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