Rabbit Town: 2

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Michiru Pov:

Tacitus and I followed the path to Rabbit Town! I'll admit, it was very populated... up until we got to the part where we were near Rabbit Town...

For a cute name... You expect it to be- Brighter? Right? Well it's extremely gloomy and looks run down....

I turned to the guard to speak to him

Michiru: "Hey... Since you're security, you promise you'll be there with me?"

Y/n: -Nod, yes-

Alright then! We're both set to go!

We walked forwards, but then a group of women appeared in front of us-

Y/n Pov:

The hell is this? Ah- they're just here to rob our money or something...

Michiru: "You guys- Ladies wouldn't happen to know where Gran Grandma is at? Do you?"

Son of a...

The weird thug looking ladies went into their beast forms... from what I know they either wanna fight or want to be intimidating... Emphasis on the want to.

Nevermind- Michiru seems terrified...

Michiru puts her hands up in a peaceful yet scared manner

Lady 1: "Knock out the guy, escort the Tanuki."

Ladies: "Alright."


Y/n: "Listen, listen. I'm sure that we can all talk, -point- except you, hell no I wouldn't wanna talk to yo-

Michiru: "Hey wait- don't!"

A loud slap-punch sound was heard as the poor guy was quickly knocked out, could he have gotten out of the situation? Yes, but did he try to? No.

He let it happen, so I guess that's technically a win?


Cut to them throwing Y/n on the ground as he wakes up, right next to Michiru standing up

Michiru: "You're up! Are you alright?"

Y/n: "Perfect."

I glared at the lady who knocked me out.

Gran Grandma: "If you want my attention, face me."

I did as she said.

Michiru looked... fidgety, while you had a calm manner on your face.

Gran Grandma: "Listen Tanuki, you got guts coming up here all morphed. Especially with security."

She somewhat glares at you, but you don't flinch.

Michiru Pov:

Morphed? What's wrong with that!?

If it's because I'm a Tanuki....

Lioness: "Don't play dumb, Tanuki! Showing up all morphed is a sign that you tryna rumble. And bringing a law enforcer near a gang is even worse!"

Y/n stood there with a smartass expression

Michiru: "Wait- No. You got it all wrong! I can't control this myself..."

Lioness: "You can't switch back? You're not some baby! Are you shitting me?!"
(That's sub for ya)

Michiru: "Well- I-

Y/n breaks the tension

Y/n: "I assure you. She 'shits' you not. This is simply a misunderstanding. If you would let her speak. I am sure that this... issue could be resolved."

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