The Doombuds of Naraka

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A 'Human Story Arc' Short Story

4th December 2080 – 3rd Galactic Step

Low Orbital Descent


Exura System

"When does this end?" Preena asked, her teeth chattering violently in her jaws.

"Just a few more moments until we settle through the upper atmosphere Miss," yelled the pilot over his shoulder.

Preena scoffed under her breath at the mention of the word settle, nothing was settling, especially her stomach. The pressure on her skull and body felt like she was being squished like a balloon. Preena just hoped she would not burst.

Fire tickled the porthole to her right, little yellow fingers clawed at the transparent pla-steel, seeking the oxygen inside to burn brighter and hotter. The blackness of space behind the flames got lighter, turning to a dusky crimson and as the fire receded, smoky grey clouds began to appear. Preena felt sure she could smell burning, but guessed it was just her synaesthesia acting up.

"We're through the worst of it now Miss," called the pilot over the rumbling shuttle engines. "Want to see your new home?"

Before she could answer a display to her left lit up, showing a static ridden screen, with flashing white alphanumerics. She ignored those and concentrated on the ground that appeared through the dark boiling clouds. Naraka was a primeval world, still in its infancy, so the ground was cracked and broken. Rivers of molten lava dribbled over its surface like scolding tears. Preena thought the planet must be in such pain, as it burnt itself to create the chemical reaction that would make oxygen and water. It was not a pretty world, devoid of all life in this early state, except for one incredibly curious looking plant.

It was the plant that had brought Preena to Naraka. As a fully qualified botanist, she had been selected to study this new species of flora. It was inconceivable that such a flower could thrive on a planet with so little light, water, and oxygen.

"We'll be touching down in twenty Miss. Just sit back and enjoy the view," said the pilot with a wildly ecstatic grin. "I love this bit, the calm after the storm."

Preena could not help but wonder if she was just leaving one storm for another. Earth was dying. Only a single settlement remained after the falling of the bombs. Nuclear fire had swept over the world, and it would be thousands of years before Earth could even begin to start healing itself, which painted a bleak future for humanity.

"We're landing directly at your facility Miss," called the pilot. "A message has come in saying Doctor Kapil will not be there to greet you, he's had to go to the settlement for an emergency. You're to make yourself at home and he'll formally greet you when he returns."

"Thank you," Preena said to the pilot politely, but inside she was disappointed at the lack of courtesy afforded her.

Preena went back to studying the plant, she called up an image of it on her micro-tablet and stared at the red and yellow flower. The natives had named the flowers Doombuds, a rather sinister name, but quite apt as the splatted red and yellow colouring did have a resemblance to a small explosion. Maybe the plant had fire running through its filaments. Maybe it was a sign that life could survive on Naraka, or maybe it was an intergalactic warning, telling space farers to stay away.

4th December 2080 – 3rd Galactic Step

Big Top Volcano


Exura System

Ajesh rubbed the bridge of his nose in utter disbelief. How could one silly little plant cause so much trouble. First Raman, then, Sudheer and Gafar, and now strong gales were battering the top of the mountain. Ajesh stared down at the smoking gun in his hand. What else could go wrong?

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