Chemachie Overview

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Industrial Level – 1

Agricultural Level – 2

Scientific Level – 3

Tactical Status - Passive

The Chemachies are a race of tall, thin, cold-blooded reptiles. Their mottled scally skin comes in a variety of colours, ranging from dull browns to vibrant greens and blues. Various patterns and morphs adorn the large lizard's bodies, starting from the tips of their noses, going down over their reptilian backs and on to the end of their long swishing tails. The Chemachies lizard-like heads are covered with short horned crests and bumps which denote their family lineage.

The brain of an average Chemachie is only about two thirds of the size of a human brain, however the synapses fire at a much quicker rate and their thought processes happen instantly. Their intelligence is segmented into three distinct properties, an overwhelming curiosity, a strong sense of love and honour, along with an animalistic sense of survival. This means that the Chemachies are a fiercely emotional race and they are insanely loyal to those they love. The lizards take a mate for life, if one Chemachie was to break that relationship, it meant that only death or disgrace would follow.

The Chemachies came into existence upon the desert world of Chemach in the Epsilon system, some fifteen thousand light years away from Earth. Epsilon is a binary star system, with two large class G suns and two planets. The reptilian inhabitants measure the passage of time in solar rotations (Sors), a single Sor (the time it takes for the two suns to circle each other) is the same as three and a quarter earth years, while the planet Chemach takes only two hundred and twenty four days to orbit one of the yellow stars.

The orbit of Chemach takes the planet between the two stars for half of its rotation, meaning the world is constantly bathed in sunlight. The permanent daylight and intense heat caused the Chemachies to grow and evolve deep within the iron rich mountains, which dotted the globe. Inside these mountains, they discovered intensely powerful ionised water, which was strong enough to be used as a renewable energy source.

With this newfound miracle substance, the Chemachies prospered and their thirst for knowledge was finally indulged. The discovery of super science however, caused many of the old honourable families to feel that their beliefs were being tarnished and a small civil war began on Chemach. Science and curiosity eventually won the conflict, and the old beliefs became blasphemy as a new era dawned for the Chemachies.

Now the Chemachies are ready to take the next galactic step, and begin their ascension into space, to search out new life forms and share their knowledge peacefully with everyone they meet.

Will their desire for knowledge overrule their common sense whilst they are out amongst the treacherous stars? Will the Chemachies be able to guard their uniquely valuable energy source? Will the Chemachies be able to achieve dominion over the galaxy?

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