Ch. 8 - Homenil's Vampire

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Journal Entry - Obtoxicullous

Balthier Cullach—the Marquis of Homenil and the only Serellian noble to don the title, for good reason. Most other Serellian nobles hold the title Jarl or Earl; however, the Cullach family has always made a point to single themselves out from others due to some long-held belief that they are unique.

From what I've gathered, this belief stems dominantly from their heritage, which, like most human clans, is drolly substandard when compared to the vast lineages of any elven clan. Still, I do find the recounting of the family to be quite entertaining and oddly complete, despite the fact the majority of their accounts have no substantial proof to add validity to any claims made; thus, I shall be recounting them as fable as much as truth.

Cullachs have always held Homenil; if they have not, there are no surviving records to contest this. Homenil itself is a rather unremarkable town. It's not the town's size or age but rather the location that makes it relevant at all. Situated on the only accessible Serellian border of their Lorellian neighbors. With only one active port on Serellia's entire eastern coast, Homenil is the sentinel for the country's eastern half. The Cullachs have long played the role of ambassadors and mediators between Serellia and Lorellian nobles and traders. So, it comes as no surprise that the family has roots in both countries.

And as one can imagine, Lorellians have long hated the Cullachs' muddied bloodline and their audacity to wedge themselves into Lorellian politics as if they rightfully belong there. In fact, I'd find it all too easy to believe that it was by some Lorellian noble's grand design that the Cullach family fell into ruin; if it were not for the stunning lack of evidence to support the theory.

No, the Cullachs' fall, it would seem, is an astounding example of bad luck and even worse karma. A theme that would follow Bhalthier throughout his life.

It started with a wedding. Bhalthier's father took a Lorellian bride right from Recheston's ruling family. The outrage, of course, was mostly one-sided. The girl was disowned by her family, but I doubt she felt much more than a slight pinch of the blow that her disownment was intended to be. She was now married to one of the wealthiest and most influential men in Serellia, far from her family's reach.

Fate, however, is cruel and favors irony, from my extended experience.

Bhalthier's father was not a kind man. He may have been Serellian by blood, but when it came to principles and morals, he was almost entirely Lorellian. As the years passed, and his new wife became just his wife and had not borne him a single heir, the rift between them began to grow. She suspected that he'd taken a mistress, feared it, knowing she had no family left and nowhere that she could go. The poor thing became quite desperate, and this...well, this is where fable seems to overtake actual accounts.

It's clear that she had researched; gone to many places for help. First, reputable ones. But when their advice and capabilities failed her, she turned to the dark shadows of the world, and a year later, she was with child.

The pregnancy was difficult. She was sick constantly, and the marquis spent a small fortune to keep her and, more importantly, his heir alive. They only succeeded, however, in doing the latter. Whether intentional or not, she'd given her life to fulfill her husband's wish. If there was ever any question as to if she loved him, I would reference that simple fact.

Her unfortunate demise aside, the marquis had his son. A boy, no less, and for five years, he was happy once more until the fateful day when he suddenly sent Bhalthier away. Now, here is another point where facts are so scarce that fables become all I have to piece together the truth.

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