Ch. 10 - Our Little Half-Truths

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Ardaik 7th - Central Ocean

Artus followed Flann below deck, the creaking of the Serellian guard's heavy footfalls right behind him. What version of the story should he tell them? The one where a mysterious, otherworldly mist-shrouded a fleet of pirate ships until they were already upon the Épée de Mer and her sister vessel? Perhaps the one where a terrible storm befell them. There was little doubt in his mind that Flann had already heard versions of the tale where merfolk or sirens coaxed the ships into the black depths but chose to spare the prince... Would the Serellians appreciate the addition of a sea serpent?

He tucked some bangs that'd fallen loose from his hair tie behind his ear as he considered the possibilities. Maybe he should recount something more realistic and believable. Although...given what they'd all very recently experienced, nothing truly unbelievable sounded as far-fetched or fantastical as it had before. And yet...Artus almost ached now to see evidence of what his memories told him he saw in La'Trest the night they left.

"Go relax, Edna. I'm sure I can handle myself for a few minutes," Flann said as they parted from his guard at the door. The guardswoman didn't look amused with the prince's lack of concern for his own safety but let her expression convey this rather than words.

It was a bit strange. Artus hasn't expected Flann to entertain being completely alone with him. Not that it meant anything. Surely, it didn't. Or at least not the kind of thing Artus's nervous thoughts first leaped to. Flann was just being courteous. Yes, of course, he was. Sensitive toward the topic of what had been, in truth, a horrifyingly traumatic experience for Artus. Guilt tugged his lips into a slight frown.

Maybe years of having his own history twisted for the entertainment of courtiers and practically any Lorellian under the sun with the ability to gossip had made him rather cynical and insensitive toward his own feelings on the matter.

Once Edna had closed the door behind her, Flann turned his attention toward Artus. "Ya know what? Now that we're alone...I think I've changed my mind. I find my curiosity drives more towards a different tale..." the Serellian prince confessed as he quirked a brow.

"Oh?" Artus wrung his hands behind his back, half wishing he was strangling himself. He couldn't believe how humiliatingly obvious the crack in his voice had been over a mere one-syllable response.

"The one that tells how ya came by that mark on yar face, Artie," Flann clarified as he crossed his arms over his chest and rested his weight against the door.

Wait...mark? Artus's expression was completely blank for a breath before realization overtook it, then concern. Fortunately, if there was anything that should come naturally to him by now, it was fabricating facts.

"Oh. It's ugh–stupid, really," he said, disguising a release of nerves as a chuckle at himself. "When I went to bring Sebastien a plate of food last night, I got a bit dizzy and stumbled," he explained, feeling much more comfortable now than he had a moment ago. "I didn't want to drop the plate, so I...caught myself. Heh."

When Artus once again met Flann's gaze, however, guilt gnawed at him for deceiving the other prince—a feeling as foreign as the Serellian himself. He swallowed thickly as a frown overtook his face. " least that's what I'd prefer anyone to think who cared to know," he admitted, feeling entirely more vulnerable than he'd like. "It's a less problematic answer, and I don't think I could stomach anyone's pity over the matter." Artus was back to wringing his hands. "Does it look that bad? My face, that is?"

Flann snorted out a halfhearted laugh. "Artie, a bruised Lorellian prince is still prettier than most women." The other prince winked playfully before continuing, "Honestly, that's one of the worst stories I've ever heard! No dragons or giant toads or undead... Strange, when reality should be more fantastic than a cover story, eh?" Artus gave him a small smile before Flann shook his head at the idea. "I'm not sure what awaits us back in La'Trest...but talking about the Silent Slough has got me wondering. Despite what ya might have heard, I do have a brain and know how to use it from time to time. So, what's really going on, Artie?"

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