Ch. 27 - Shy Convictions

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Ardaik 11th - Central Ocean

Finding a suitable place to spend a quiet moment with Flann was proving as difficult as it might have been back in La'Trest. With the addition of the Serellians on board, their room was now shared not only with Edna but with Folian and McKee as well. Artus had been offered space within Sebastien's accommodations by the guild emissary and a separate arrangement by Admiral Paniel, too. He had declined both.

The cargo hold, where he and Rowan had thought they'd found solace before the dragon attacked, was completely out of the question. In place of ammunition and supplies, it now held the cold, unflinching corpses awaiting their return home. While they certainly wouldn't breathe a word of anything that transpired around them, their company was nonetheless unbearable.

Artus paused to weigh upon if the gundeck would be fairly vacant this time of night. They may be scolded if found there and escorted away, but he supposed it was worth exploring, even if briefly so.

They found the space to be dark, at the very least. No lanterns had been lit near the cannons to avoid any powder igniting by accident, and Artus found himself groping for Flann's hand as he cautiously led the way toward the ship's bow. The guns needed space to roll, of course, but they needed to be caught, so a system of ropes was anchored to the floor and hull near the square portholes. An easy tripping hazard, particularly in the dark. Artus froze, though, the moment he thought he heard a voice. No. It wasn't one voice but two. He was sure of it.

"Resign? I'm sure you have more than enough reason to suggest it, but I must protest." The marquis's voice was above a whisper but still private enough that Artus and Flann had to listen carefully.

"Look, Bhal, I know you've never been the sort to let being a mage hold ya back. I, as well as anyone, wouldn't have blamed you for not wanting to assume your father's position after what happened, but ya got nothing left to prove. Ya've served Serellia and me well, but now the Lorellian king and queen know what ya are. You're a good Yarl, Bhal. I'd rather not lose a good man over bad choices," Liam said as he dusted off a gunpowder barrel and took a seat.

"Thank you, your majesty. Your concern is very much appreciated, but I won't be cowed out of my duties. If my choices are poor, then at least they are my own, and I shall see them through to their conclusion." He'd decided that the day his father was killed, and he did not use his magic to save him. He let him die. Not because he hated him, though he surely did, but because a man should be held accountable for his actions.

"Aye, I understand. If ya didn't lack the fortitude, ya would have made a fine soldier, Cullach. What else did ya learn while in the palace?" Liam's praise did remind Bhalthier of what he envied in soldiers like Folian and Edna. Their physical prowess was something that a sickly boy like him could only ever dream of, but their honorable nature was something that he could share regardless of shield and sword.

"That, just as we feared, our foe seems to have originated from the Silent Slough," Bhalthier replied.

Artus inched backward. He couldn't make out enough of what King Liam or Lord Cullach was saying to be useful, but he was certain he'd made out a few key words that spurred more than enough questions on their own.

But when his back met the solid wall that was Flann, he thought that he may not have been the only one interested in eavesdropping. It stood to reason, though. Clearly, the two men had gone through considerable effort to speak privately. The implication alone was compelling and implied the sensitivity of the discussion.

"Wonderful, as if having that pigsty in our country wasn't damning enough, now we'll no doubt be blamed for their transgressions." Liam snorted as he shook his head. "Should have throttled the entire frigid marsh when we had the chance."

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