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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: chapter one

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: chapter one


"You've not even heard what I wanted to say yet!" Christopher Bang, also referred to commonly by his Korean name Chan, threw his arms up in exasperation.

"Anything concerning you trying to force me into anything is a firm no," you replied calmly, raising your eyebrows and resting backwards into Chan's sofa.

"This is for your own good. I'm sick of your moping and moaning. Just actually listen to me for a change," your best friend proposed.

Okay, context was definitely needed here. You were sat beside Chris, your best friend going on over 23 years. Your mothers were best friends, and still are, which caused you and Chan to be as close as any two children could be. You were next door neighbours growing up, spending every spare minute together. Being an only child, you loved playing with Chan and his siblings.

Your group started in primary school. Chan was three years older than you, meaning he had already made friends by the time you were old enough to go to primary school. His best friend Changbin was the year below him, and when you joined the school, Changbin's friend Jising was the next to join your group.

Admittedly, you were worried that when Chan started making his own friends he would forget about you. You found it much harder to make friends than him due to your trust issues. They started when your dad left, which you were far too young to remember much of, but instantly made you much more closed off than other young children.

Chris never once left you out, though. Where other little boys would go through phases of hating girls and wanting nothing to do with them, Chan made a point of showing you he liked you for you, regardless of your gender. As you grew older, the other boys seemed to simply grow into this mindset too.

It was nice to have Jisung in your class, since he was almost always in a good mood, a class favourite. When he was off, however, you were left alone - not one to be favoured by your classmates. In fact, a lot of them weren't fond of you. They didn't understand how some random girl got to be friends with the Chris Bang. Even at a young age, you think you were around nine when this happened, the girls in your class would get jealous and tease you.

One particularly rough day, a couple of the nastier girls in your class tripped you up in the playground for God knows why. Jisung being off left you vulnerable, and when the only person in your class you helped you was Seungmin, he and his best friend Jeongin in the year below instantly joined your group.

And that's how it stayed for a good few years. Hanging out at every opportunity, summer holidays filled of fun. At some point, you began your Friday movie night tradition - buying whatever looked interesting on DVD and spending the night, in turns, at each other's house to watch it.

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