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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: chapter twenty seven

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: chapter twenty seven

Summer seemed to fly by for you. You'd spent most of your time either working for Minho, hanging out with your friends, or spending time with Hyunjin.

You were honestly shocked at how well your relationship had been going, and your friends hadn't stopped telling you how they felt the same. Jeongin had even let it slip that he, Changbin, Seungmin and Minho had started betting about when you'd get engaged. This made Hyunjin turn paler than a ghost when he found out, and had, of course, become a new running joke within your friend group.

It was the end of August, the heat of the summer finally starting to settle. You were currently sitting in front of Hyunjin's fancy work computer, sun streaming in through his large penthouse windows, as you sat nervously. Your final grades for the year were being posted in less than five minutes. You knew how hard you'd worked to be able to achieve the best possible grades, but with everything that had been going on around the time of your exams, you had no clue how they would turn out.

"You'll be fine, babe," you hear your boyfriend say as he walks up to you from behind, placing his hands on your shoulders and giving them a squeeze. He'd taken the afternoon off to be with you when your exams came out, which you were super thankful for, and you smiled up at him as you turned around in the swivel chair.

"I know, I just really want to do well," you replied with a sigh. Hyunjin bent down slowly and gave you a forehead kiss, which you responded to by leaning against his tall frame.

You'd had to move out of your student apartment two weeks ago as your lease had run out, but you were struggling to find an apartment, mostly because you didn't know where you'd be working yet so you didn't know what location would be most suited to you. So, you'd been living with Hyunjin for the past two weeks. You'd initially rejected his offer to stay at his while you figured things out, not wanting to be a burden, but he'd called you stupid for thinking you'd ever be a burden to him.

So now his apartment was filled with boxes, clothes and you. He didn't mind it one bit.

"It's on the hour, refresh the page," Hyunjin says, snapping you out of your trance. You check the time and he's right, so you refresh the internet page and click on the link to your results.

You don't even realise what's happened until you feel Hyunjin pull you in to give you a back hug and congratulate you. When you squint your eyes to focus in on the screen, it reads A, A, A, B.

You swear your cheeks almost split from the huge grin you sport, standing up to hug Hyunjin properly. Damn, were you proud of yourself. You knew the B was in the class that you had the horrible exam in, but you honestly thought you'd failed it, so to get a B was amazing. And an A in your other classes?

"My girlfriend is the smartest woman on the planet," Hyunjin sings as he lifts you up to twirl you around. You laugh as he places you down. "You should message the group chat by the way, the boys haven't shut up about your exam results since this morning."

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