Meeting Them Part One

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Ya'll I got logged out and I was so scared bro I thought all my work would me gone 😭


Ring Ring~ Ring Ring~

Perfect.. Now it begins


U: Hello?

??: Hello, is this Y/n Fetcher?

U: Yes, it is

??: Perfect, I just wanted to inform you that you got the nurse job at the Sun Hill Asylum

U: Really! Oh how great, when do I start?

??: In two days but we would like you to come over tomorrow so that Nurse Mandy can give you a tour and tell you everything you need to know

U: Alright than.. also uhm who am I speaking with? 😅

K: Right haha, I'm Karina. I work at the front desk

U: Haha well thank you Karina

K: No problem, well you have a good day

U: You too, bye

K: Bye

Welp I guess I should prepare for tomorrow..

  -The next day-

I woke up bright and early with a cup of coffee in hand so I can start driving to the asylum..
Karina said Mandy would give me a tour which might be boring since Esther already told me in full detail about the ins and outs of the place but she is a patient and Mandy is a Top Nurse there so she knows the place better.
I just hope she shows me stuff that will be useful for my plan.

Gets to the Asylum-

U: Hi, I'm the new nurse

K: Hello- Oh y/n hey I'm Karina

U: Oh hey Karina, nice to meet you in person

K: Haha yup, I won't hold you up tho, Nurse Mandy will be in her office when you're ready

U: Alright thank you :)

εїз εїз εїз

Finally after getting away from Karina I head to Mandy's office so I can get this done with.
I walk down the empty halls taking a turn than seeing a door with black letters saying " Top Nurse "

-Knock knock-

Come in!

M: Hi'a y/n

U: Hello Mandy

M: Glad you came in

U: Yeah Karina said I should come in to get situated and all

M: Yup, well how about we get to that tour then?

U: Yup

Mandy's POV:
Alright so I'll tell you about the patients your working with, you'll be working with the more dangerous patients as you know. Which are Micheal Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms Heelshire, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, and Esther Coleman are your patients.
You'll meet them today and I'll tell you about them to. Every nurse works in different sections of the asylum their scrubs show what section they work in. Yellow Scrubs means Docile patients, Grey being Hostile and prone to outbursts patients, and Purple being very dangerous patients. You'll be getting purple scrubs.

A/n: Real quick, other characters will be added later on in the story like Norman Bates or Freddy Kruger. Also I know Esther Coleman isn't the characters name but I'm sticking with it, I think it's like Leena Klammer.

You'll also be meeting them from most dangerous to least dangerous but let's get with the tour first. 

Y/n's POV:
Mandy showed me the cafeteria, where patients items are, and all that. What she was telling me was stuff I already knew but what caught my attention was where the patients items were kept, the security room, and the weapons room.

                            -Mini Time Skip-

M: Lastly, this is your room, you can stay in it if you don't want to drive home after a long day

U: Oo nice

M: Yup well I'll let you check out your room and here's your schedule- oh and tomorrow you'll be meeting your patients

U: Oh okay, thank you Mandy

Y/n's POV:
I walk into my room and it's not that bad, the room is a bit small but not bad. Inside the room is a bed, a dresser, a desk, and a bathroom.
Inside the dresser was three purple scrubs, a extra blanket, and some towels. On the desk was a welcoming basket that had a planner book, bathroom essentials like soap, a toothbrush, etc, some snacks, and other little things.

Tomorrow is the day I can finally meet everyone and see Esther, I hope the slashers like me so everything can go smoothly..


Soo y'all were gonna meet everyone in this chapter but Im really tired and I can't write good chapters when I'm tired so I'll do the next part tomorrow or at least get started on it. Bye bye for now tho 💋

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