Who's this?

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Y/n's Pov
It's been a week since I've seen that person in the woods. Everything's been okay since then, I mean I've been getting a watched feeling which has been bothering me. And it's not Brahms staring that I feel but something different, and I swear I've been seeing something in the corner of my eye-


Hm? Oh sorry chucky

What's with you? I mean I love you but there's something up with you

Geez thanks chucky

Of course sweetheart now what's going on?

Nothing, I'm just nervous if that person will come back- or rat us out..

Don't worry baby -

AaH- Oh goodness Freddy-
Why you scare me like that

Oops but like I was saying, don't worry. I've been keeping an eye on things and I haven't seen anything or anybody

Oh.. thanks Freddy. That means a lot

Anything for you ;)

And with that, he's gone

And if you want babe, I can always stay in bed with you if you're feeling uneasy ;)

Haha ok chucky I'll keep that in mind


It's around 1 pm now and I'm just outside in my garden relaxing. I mean it's nice and sunny and I suppose I could use some me time with everything going on, it's so funny though because yesterday I was hiding in a secret room/space or whatever you wanna call it. Just chilling and reading when Brahms found me 😂 oh my gosh was it funny. I've already tried to hide away in the little library room I have but Thomas and Jason wanted to cuddle up and see what I was reading. So now I've resorted to sitting outside-

Y/n! Hey y/n

Oh hi Esther

You'll never believe what I found!! I know you're out here to relax but I had to show you

Oh no.. is it something bad?? What happened

Come on, come

Esther leads me around the garden to the side of the house where there's a shed for garden stuff. Esther leads me over and opens the shed door. . .


Oh. My. Gosh...
Omg! It's a dog! A black and white dog :D But- how? Where-why?

I saw her roaming around the backyard and I'll be honest, I was kinda scared of her because I wasn't sure if you was nice or not but she's a good girl. She came over and yeah.. now she's here

I see..does she have a tag?

Yeah but it's just her name, no number or anything

Hm, weird

I go closer to the pup to bend down and check her tag on her collar. When I do, she comes over wagging her tail, and I see that her tag says...
Ehm.. Jonesy yeah that's right.. it's Jonesy

So what do you wanna do with her?

Well.. I was thinking we could keep her

In a family like this? Thomas would probably eat the poor thing


-sigh- well.. if you want her- and if no one comes looking for her! Then I guess you can keep her..

Yay!! Thank you y/n/n! Come on Jonesy!


And with that, the dog runs to Esther and they head off to who knows where


It's now 8 pm and I'm done and I mean done. I'm nice and full from dinner, I'm sleepy, comfy and ready to sleep and dream. Buttt I have company cause I'm never alone. Micheal is with me! He said he wanted some time with me in a whisper that was so quiet I thought he was just sighing.

So like the good person I am, I welcomed him into my bed with open arms

And open legs- I mean-


You didn't see this 🙈

I let him cuddle up with me while I stroked his back. I didn't really take him for the type of guy to be doing this but I guess this is how he'll be if it's just us.. which I don't mind.


Does that feel good?
(Rubbing his back)



Keep going

Ok ok, but you'll have to rub mine later



Do you feel that?

Feel what?

That staring feeling



Hold on, I'll be right back

Wait Wha-
..and she's gone


I get out of bed and head over to my balcony. I take a quick peek outside.. nothing. I don't see anything or anybody.
So where is that feeling coming from?

I leave my room completely and head downstairs to the back door.
I know it's not Brahms watching me


I walk out the back door, talking quiet steps and slow breaths. Still I don't hear anything besides nature doing nature things..


-Step step-




That wasn't me..


I turn to the sound once again, only seeing a little in the moon light but just enough to make out the silhouette of a man next to a tree-

I snap around and stumble back.. it was only Michael..

Come on, let's go inside

I turn back but the man is gone..

Come on, let's go honey..



Sorryy kinda short and rushed

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