Quality Time

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Pretty much a filler chapter- hope y'all enjoyy

Y/n's Pov:

It's currently 6:53 pm and I'm setting up the crafts room for a movie night, kinda shocked Mandy let me do this but I ain't complaining. Its kinda annoying tho since I have to pick up all the mess since the code orange alarm went off do to a malfunction and everyone was rushed out of the crafts room so now I need to clean up then set the projector up, get the snacks, comfy stuff, and things you need for a movie night. Of course tho the guards are still gonna be around and some slashers are gonna be in cuffs but none the less, everyones looking forward to it.. at least I think.

Speaking of the slashers and such, the newbies seem to be getting along quite well- it was funny actually since I was playing Guess Who with Chucky and he was un-impressed when I said said he looked like one of the characters from the game- hahah.
Thomas is cute, shy but cute. He purrs- ok maybe a bit strange but I like it. He seem either territorial or protective with me but I mean so are the others, just like how I'm protective of them. And if anyone even dare touched Esther I would slice them into pieces and ea-

Knock Knock-

A: Hey

U💭: Great.. Arthur

A: So uh you're gonna have a movie night?

U: Yeah I am

A: Cool cool.. mind if I joined?

U: Well you know my patients don't really like the other patients so much

A: Well I was thinking just me and you? I could help you watch over them?

-A steps closer-

U: I don't think Jason or the others would exactly want to see you from what I was told a few days ago


-A steps even closer-

A: Fuck them-


I look past Arthur towards the door as Arthur turns towards the door to. I lock eyes with the one and only...
His tall, buff figure fills the door frame, making it hard to see the guard behind him. I can see Arthur stiffen up once he sees Brahms, taking a small step back as Brahms took a step forwards.

B: Mandy sent me to help you set and bring things up..

Brahms talked, looking right into Arthur's eyes. Brahms talked with his real voice- not his kiddy one, it was intimidating but hot-
Oh gosh y/n- not right now

U: Hi Brahms, why don't you come over here :)

B: Is everything alright?

Brahms asked me with his real voice once he got closer to me

U: Yup everything's ok, thank you Brahms

A: I gotta go.. see you later


Arthur left quickly so I was now with a cuffed Brahms and a guard.

-Mini Time Skip-

After a lot of talking and walking, me and Brahms got everything we needed to the crafts room and started to set things up. It was now 7:37 and the slashers would be brought in at 8:00.

Hey Brahms, Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer it though

Oh sure, go ahead

Why do you speak with a child's voice and not your adult voice?


Well I normally used it to get what I wanted from my parents since they rather have had their little boy then hearing me as an adult.. I scared them with how I was, so I acted like a child. I guess I still use my child voice since I used it more then my normal voice.

Oh.. that does make more sense but y'know Brahms, you have a really nice voice like when you were speaking earlier and all. But your child voice is cute to haha 😅

You really think so-??

Brahms mind: She likes my voice??! :D


Would you want me to talk with my real voice?

Welp, that's up to you. Only do what's comfortable


In that case, I'll just talk normally around you then darling

U: 🦋🦋
Now you're sounding like Billy, hahah

Hahah I guess so..

-It's official! Brahms now only talks to you in his adult voice when it's just you two guys-

-Mini Time Skip-

It was now 8:00 and the guards were now bringing in everyone. They all looked pretty happy when they laid their eyes on the set up.


Esther: Wow y/n! It looks so pretty

U: Reallyy? Thank you Esther

Stu: Yeah it's real nice, thanks hot stuff

Billy: Thank you sweetheart

U: I'm glad you guys like it, Brahms helped me

Brahms: Heh :)

Freddy: What we watching anyways?

Thomas:-Strangly cute noise-

Chucky: Wha?..

U: Welp.. I dunno, does anyone have any recommendations?

Everyone: ScreamHalloweenOrphanchildsplayTheboy!!

U: Eh-

Freddy: Well I think Nightmare on Elm Street would be a perfect movie to watch 😌

U: It's an option, how about I just pick up a random dvd to play first?

Everyone: Ehokfine

U: Alrighty... I picked up... y/m/c
(Your movie choice)

Everyone: Oo ok

-Time skip-

After a few movies everyone was knocked out but me. Probably cause I was being squished alive by everyone since they decided to make me their pillow. Anywho, I wake up Michael so he could help me, he did a good job. Everyone was up a ready to head off to bed, of course after helping me clean up a bit. After that everyone was taken back to their room as I plopped onto my bed, I was exhausted and I had to talk to Esther about our plan, maybe I'll take care of Arthur to before we leave..

Hey everyone, I'm so tired and stressed rn so my bad if this was bad but yeah- I'm trying to add some drama or some good stuff into the story so it isn't just a boring slow burner book. I'll try to post soon tho,
Take care 💋

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