beginning ⸻ 001

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I shifted uncomfortably as Reneesme and I grew too crowded together. There wasn't enough space for the both of us. Nessie began to panic — and frantically kick to get out of our safe haven.

'Stop! What are you doing?' I shouted frantically, hearing the cries of our mother. 'You're hurting her!'

'I can't breathe!' Nessie panicked more and kicked harder, making me wiggle to get out of her way. 'I need to get out!'

I heard a sickening crack and then a piercing scream as mama's spine broke. We were bent at an awkward angle but Reneesme didn't stop kicking, not until she finally got what she wanted.

We saw a bright light and then a pair of hands reached in to grab Nessie.

'Daddy,' I thought with a smile, hearing his voice.

"Reneesme," I heard the cries of my sister as he held her, smiling brightly. "Bella, it's a girl."

I felt mama move some more but then she winced in pain as I moved, too. With Nessie gone it was less crowded, but I could feel the air closing in on me, too.

'I have to get out,' My brain told me, and so I wiggled some more to let mama know I was there.

"Edward," She gasped in pain at my movement, "Edward I think...I think there's another baby."

Concern laced my fathers voice as he passed my sister off to someone else. And then suddenly, his hands were reaching down, grabbing me in the process.

I cried at the coldness of his hands but Daddy only admired me as he held me.

"There's another one," He laughed lightly as turned me to face mommy. "We have another child, Bella."

"Let me see them," My mother looked extremely weak as she reached out for us but apparently she didn't care.

She cradled us in both arms while we ogled at our mother.

Though weak, she was as beautiful as I imagined. I briefly wondered if I looked anything like her before she began speaking.

"Reneesme," She looked at my sister and then smiled.

"And Nadine," I was surprised that she named me, too. I liked it though, wondering where she got it.

"I like that name," Daddy commented, smiling down us.

I finally felt happy to be out with them. Reneesme too, but holding up a hand to my cheek, I could see that she was hungry.

'Nessie, don't!' I shouted at her, knowing what she was thinking.

But it was too late. She bit the hand that my mother was using to cradle her, causing her flinch.


After that, Daddy immediately took us away. Nessie began to cry, and I did too seeing mommies blank expression.

'You hurt her Nessie!' I cried in her head.

Daddies head snapped to me as he read the thought in both of your heads.

"Amazing," He muttered, before turning his attention back to mommy.

She wasn't moving now. Or breathing, I think. I cried louder, wondering why she wasn't waking up.

"Jacob take the babies!" Daddy said, trying to hand us off to a tan man. Only he looked at us in disgust, turning away.

"You keep those things away from me," He spat, making me frown.

"Edward I can take them," An angelic voice suddenly said. I vaguely remembered, Aunt Rosalie I think.

We were handed off to her cold hands and I admired how pretty she was. She smiled down on us, cooing and muttering soft words.

"It's okay, you're both okay. Auntie Rosalie is here now," She said, her words bringing us comfort. It wasn't momma, but she was the one that looked after us for the next too days, Nessie and I anticipated the return of our mother.

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiWhere stories live. Discover now