red palace ⸻ 016

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A/N: In this chapter, I am going to be writing about Nadine experiencing Indian culture. Please forgive me if anything is inaccurate as I am not Indian but I wanted to represent other cultures. Also, let me know what you think of the story so far!

"A ball? They seriously want to throw me a ball?" I asked Caius the next day, which was coincidentally the day we were literally leaving the country for a celebration in India.

I still couldn't wrap my head around it as I paced around our shared room. Caius chuckled; he didn't seem to be as surprised as I was about the situation.

"Mia cara, you do realize that you are their Queen now? It is only right for the second most powerful vampire coven to pledge their loyalty to you and celebrate you," He said.

"Wait," His words made me stop pacing, "What do you mean, 'second most powerful?' I thought there were only six of them," I said, confused.

Caius' lips turned up. He put the book he was reading down and flitted to my side, cupping my face.

"You have much to learn, Nadine," He told me, using my real name. I shivered as it rolled off of his tongue. "Including the history of our world and the people in it."

"Well perhaps if I wasn't stuck here I would go out and learn for myself," I joked, smirking at the way he softly growled.

"Do you think of yourself as a prisoner, Mia reigna?" He asked, leaning in to whisper in my ear. His grabbed my waist and I gasped as he gave it a light squeeze.

"N-No," I answered immediately, my face turning red at his close proximity. Caius leaned back to look into my eyes. I could see them darken as my heart sped up.

"Good," He said simply, and then let go of my waist.

I bit my lip to hide my protests as he did so. My skin burned at the places he had touched me, yearning and silently begging for more.

"I will not allow you to feel that way in your own home."


It felt weird to hear him say it. And it felt even weirder that it was true- or was it? At this point, I did not even know what 'home' was anymore. It felt like I was just here now, existing and pretending to be a Queen which was a role I wasn't prepared for.

I sighed.

I decide to push those thoughts back for now, not wanting my brain to hurt the entire plane ride there.

And then, in a matter of minutes, it was time to go.

I took Caius' hand as he lead me to a much smaller plane; one that only seated us and their most trusted guards.

We were separated from them as Caius and I got our own little cabin and Marcus and Aro got theirs.

The Khan's had their own way of traveling and were going to meet us there. Yawning, I sat down in my seat - which was rather comfy -  and was advised by Caius to get some sleep.

"You do not want to be tripping over your own feet when we get there," He teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him but decided he was right - I would sleep until we got there so I could soak it all in.

Yawning again, I closed my eyes and rested my head on Caius' cool chest. And soon, I drifted off to sleep.

* * *

When I woke, I nearly let out an ear piercing scream as unfamiliar red eyes greeted me from the corner of the room.

Scrambling up, I had almost attacked them until suddenly a familiar laughter reached my ear.

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiWhere stories live. Discover now