mate ⸻ 008

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"Are these the children you saw?" The blonde questioned Irena, who came forward with a guilty look on her face.

"I don't know," Her eyes scanned me and Reneesme.

"Jane," A small blonde girl stepped up at Aro's call.

Irena quickly backtracked. "They've changed! These girls are bigger," She said. Her eyes landed on me. "Especially that one. I-I don't remember her being that old."

"So your allegations were false," The blonde said.

"I'm sorry. I take full responsibility for my actions," She said. Her golden eyes showed true sorrow. "I'm sorry," She whispered again to her sisters.

"Caius, no!" My father shouted with wide eyes as two guard came to take Irena's arms. Before I even knew what was happening, the woman was dead and Caius was lighting her body on fire.

I gasped, the cruelness of it all shocking me. I could hear the screams of Kate and Tanya, angry and mourning for their sister. Footsteps sounded; they were running towards the Volturi and looking for a fight.

But we couldn't let that happen.

"Zafrina, Nadine, distract them!" My father called out.

With quick thinking, I used my gift to send an overwhelming amount of thoughts to Tanya. Happy thoughts; ones that distracted her and made me her slow down.

"Give me my mind back!" She hissed at me.

"This is what they want, okay? If you attack now we'll all die," My father told them desperately.

That seemed to calm them down. I released Tanya and the battlefield stood still.

"Aro you see no laws were broken. We ask that you let us all go in peace," Grandpa requested.

"Peace?" Caius hissed. "What you have breed is danger to us all and you expect peace!"

"The twins are not a danger. They mature fast and are able to control their thirst. We have proved that today, Caius. Let us spare a fight."

I flinched at his harsh tone, and his glare towards us. I did not expect him to sound so...hateful. He spit every word with venom, like a truly wanted to kill us.

To kill me.

"Brother, allow me," Aro took over the talking. "Carlisle we have been friends for many years. But over those years a lot things have changed, " He said. "For the first time in our history, humans now pose a threat to us. Their modern technology have breed weapons we are not sure we can control. And in these modern times, only the known is safe. Only known, can be accepted."

Several members of the Volturi smirked.

"Spare ourselves a fight today...only to die tomorrow," He said mockingly, staring at Reneesme and I.

My breath hitched. Were they really about to do this. Even after we had proof; witnesses? Were they that blood thirsty for our deaths?

"But what if you could be sure they remained concealed from the human world? Would you let us go then?"

"Of course. But that cannot be known," Caius snapped.

The corner of my Dad's lip twitched. "But what if it could?"

'Dad what are you playing?' I asked him mentally, but in turn he just smiled at me and nodded his head to the woods.

Over the snow and through vast field, a gasp left my lips as Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper appeared.

"Alice," Aro breathed out, amazed. he watched her wonder in his eyes as they both approached, Alice shooting me a smile as I teared up.

They came back, I thought. I knew they didn't abandon us.

"I have evidence the children won't be a threat to us," Alice said, already holding out her hand. Aro took it greedily, reading everything he could. And as he did, his smile dropped, turning into one of despair and his face turning sour.

"Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course," Alice spat.

I wasn't sure what he saw, but Aro changed his mind very quickly. He listened to Alice as she brought out other hybrids she had found; Nuhuel and his brother Caio.

Nahuel explained how his mother had been seceded by a vampire, resulting in both him and Caio. They were raised and most importantly, they were just like us.

"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro questioned.

"I stopped aging a year and a half after my birth. My brother, five months," Nuhuel answered.

I squeezed Reneesme's hand, grateful for this information.

"And your diet?"

"Blood. Human food. I can survive on either."

"These creatures...are much like us," The long-haired brunette finally spoke up, his voice like dust.

Caius didn't look pleased. "Well regardless, the Cullen's have been consulting with werewolves! Our natural enemy-"

"Dear ones," Aro turned to his coven with a pitiful smile. "There is no danger here. We will not fight today."

His instructions were clear. My heart soared.

They were backing off.

Many faces in the crowed did not look pleased with Aro's verdict. But there was no questioning the king. Caius drew his cape back, especially not pleased.

He threw another glare towards us and scoffed. By then, most of the other members had ran off.

Only he and Aro reminded now.

I turned to my mother, grinning at our sucess.

But my happiness was quickly broken by Aro's next words.

"Before we leave, however, I believe we have some business to discuss. Nadine? A word please?"

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