HEA #2

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Veer's face contoured comically. His porshe was first car he brought when he joined his company. But he was willing to sacrifice it as his entire company was at stake. Luckily he knows how the city rain works, so he had already installed plastic covers over the leather seat. A very cheap move for a billionaire but he'll save every penny in case his grandfather actually take away his company.

After comfortably sitting inside the car, Veer offered a towel to Deep, because again, he knew the rain, which she took suspiciously.

"Where too?" He asked.

She recited her address while wrapping the towel around herself.

Veer brought the engine to life and maneuvered the car towards the destination. It was a half and hour drive and with less traffic they reached there in no time.

Deep rushed towards the bathroom to get rid of the saree and dirt off her body, and to change into fresh peace of clothing. She wanted to set the house on fire but for now a good hot shower has to do.
Veer was observing the apartment of the lady he just proposed, it was beautifully decorated as if a work of professional. Maybe she is. A white room with one wall colored in turquoise and the whole furniture was also in the same. The theme was monochrome, from curtains to the sofa, center table even the painting were matching the decor. Funny, how he is effortlessly attracted to her without even knowing her name yet.

After what fell like eternity, Deep emerged from her room, in freash cloths and slightly wet hair. He looked startled looking at a stranger but realizing that only she invited him she mooved on to kitchen. Veer followed her, the modular kitchen was not very wide but lengthy enough to support a small dining table of two. It was a picturesque kitchen, with few house plant and even some herbs by the windowsill, the sotve had built in oven on which Deep put on a kettle.

"Tea or coffee?"

"Hmm?" Veer was pulled out of the his thoughts about the kitchen. Seeing the kettle was already turned on, he opted for tea.

"Thankyou for the ride. I think it's high time we exchange our name. My name if Deep Goswami. What's your?" Deep said mixing the lemon grass and grated ginger in the boling water.

"Veer Rajput," he replied. "If you don't mind can I ask you something? Are you an interior designer?" He asked without waiting for her reply.

"Yes." Deep replied while putting some black tea leaves. Few moments later black tea was ready. She poured the hot liquid in two glass cup and offered one to Veer. "So what about this marriage contract you were talking about?" She asked

Taking a sip from his cup Veer took time savoring the flavors, "My grandfather had this weird condition for singing his will off, he wants me married within a month. The stakes are high or else I wouldn't give a fig. As I told you earlier, I was naturally drawn to you so here I am. We can sign a contract if you want, like separation after I got my will or whatever. We will have no physical contact unless you want. You can ask for money or anything." He paused, waiting for her reply.

Deep listened to him patiently, taking in every detail. It didn't harm her to get married as she already told few of her friends that she was. Her shitty boyfriend already ditched her so he was out of question. Money was not a problem, sure she couldn't afford the world but whatever she could was enough. "Okay." She replied, after finishing her cup.

"Okay?" Veer asked cautiously.

"Okay. I am already in a shitty situation so what worst could happen. If you have to do some harm, you would've already done that."

"Okay. Then we will get married tomorrow." Veer said.


"Yes, getting an appointment is not a problem for me. You just need to pack your belongings. You need to shift to my apartment, because the marriage should look real in my grandfather's eyes." Veer explained further.

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