HEA #6

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Saving Love

Neel was calling her from last forty-five minutes. The main branch's leaders has to present one-hour before meeting starts but she wasn't here. He was more worried than angry because he noticed the change in her during meetings with Singh's company. There was something that doesn't fit the situation. And now here he was, just fifteen minutes left and she was nowhere to be found. It was a bit of reassurance when her phone was ringing and end with a voice mail, but now it was switched off. She was ignoring his call and now switched off her phone, he resisted the urge to slam his phone across the board room. Even Hitesh found it strange, never in these years, since she started working, she missed any meeting. On the other hand the one who was jealous of her was celebrating her absence.

"That's it," Neel groaned and slammed his hand on the centre table. "Vartika," he called her PA, "Postpone the meeting for next week. We can't go with it with one of our leader absent."

"But Sir, in this short notice? It will not leave good impression." Rashmi said. She was head of HR department and the way she always look at him one can tell her actual intensions.

Neel took in a long breath and smile at her, "And will you remind me why we are conducting this meeting Ms. Rashmi?" he gave a look to her PA telling her to work on his order, she left the room instantly.

"To get to know what others are doing and where are we with our products in the market, and how to improve them or develop them." She replied.

"And who is absent from our meeting Miss?" He clearly was annoyed, but also trying to control his anger. He can't just snap at her because she neglected his love of life.

"Product development head." She almost whispered and if the room was not so silent it was impossible to hear her.

"Bingo." He exclaimed. Vartika entered the room telling that meeting is postponed. Neel can't escape the room faster. He rushed towards his car while dialing her number continuously, which was telling him that it was still switched off.

Within ten minutes he was at her door steps and ringing the door bell like a maniac. A female opened the door. She was taller than Gauri and was looking fatter due her big baby bump. Both of them looked confused.

"Yes?" Zara asked him. She came early in the morning to meet her. But because Gauri didn't opened the door she used her key to enter. Gauri has given her one so she can come in whenever she wanted.

"Who are you?" Neel asked confused. He didn't expect to see anyone else in her house.

"I asked first." Zara said with irritated look.

"I am Neel Desai, Gauri's boss."

She formed an 'o' with her lips. Then again pursed her lips in confusion as in why he is here. "Come inside. I am Zara, Gauri's friend." She said and went to the kitchen and return with a glass of water. By the look in face he seems to be running.

"Where is Gauri? We had an important meeting today and she's not even picking her phone." Neel asked as soon as she came out. He drank the water in one gulp.

Zara was too excited to meet her today. She came to invite her to shopping for her baby shower. They have planned it to spend the weekend together along with their family. She waited for fifteen minutes outside, and when she suspected something she opened the door using her own keys. She squealed her name when she found her on the floor of living room, unconscious. She immediately called her husband and tried to bring her back to consciousness. Gauri look visibly paled and exhaustion was clear on her face. It looked like she didn't eat anything from centuries and there were dark bags under her eyes. She tried hard but failed to bring her out of her limp state and because of her pregnancy she cannot lift her up to the bed. Luckily her husband came soon and he took her to her bed.

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