HEA #3

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It was weekend again. Exactly a week ago Deep's life went haywire and she was married to someone else who was only a name to her.

In the last weekdays she barely left her room, only to make coffee for herself and receive takeouts, not that she didn't knew about the cctv camera around the kitchen area and main door. Thanks to her new husband for providing her with wifi password and address of the place making her isolation comfortable. He never spoke to her nor coaxed about her behaviour as if he empathize with her.

Inside her room she binge watched her favorite kdramas and anime. She was always into them, way before they were in trend with teenagers today. Especially Park-seo-joon, the only actor she swoon for. He was her 'Oppa' and she just loved his smile more than anyone else, except her sister's. But what she loved even more was their potrayal of culture, punctuality and love for their language and country.

She refused to cry over a boy who did not deserve her. She went out once in a week, to her former house. She vacant it, gave the keys back to landlord, sold all the furniture and kitchen appliances to a dealer and donated all utensils to an orphanage even sold her entire wardrobe online, including cloths and donated that money too. She already had done deal online, all she has to do was to hand things over. She was not into taking revenge but she was definitely someone who knew how to move on. She also went shopping same day for new sets. The only thing she brought home was her beloved plants and new cloth. Now her plants were giving her company and comfort.

On Friday morning when she finally decided to strech and face the reality, her phone blink. There was a message from her best friend, Neha in group chat. "Birthday celebration. This weekend. Today my apartment at 5 p.m." she smacked her head. How could she forget her best friend's birthday? She has to tell them the whole drama that happened to her. She never got to tell them.

Veer decided to call the day today and talk to his wife. Though they never talked in past week, he knew what she was doing and was worried if she was able to cope up with the all the drama. He knew she went out once but that's it. He wanted to talk to her but didn't got the time. He wrapped every thing around lunch went home. To his surprise when he reached home, he saw Deep was getting out of her room with a small duffle bag.

"Where are you going?" Veer rather asked worried. Was she already got tired of this relationship? Did her ex fiance begged her back?

"Oh. I am sorry. I forgot to inform you. I am going to my best friend's birthday weekend celebration. I'll be back on Sunday evening, from Monday I have to join the office." Deep answered.

Veer took a breath of relief which he didn't knew he was holding. He himself didn't knew why, but the mere thought of her leaving him was too much.

He offered her the drive to her friend's but she refused, it was a two hour drive from their location, yet he insisted and finally she was sitting at the passenger seat of BMW X6. Veer maneuvered the car efficiently through the traffic and at 5 p.m. sharp, Deep was at her friend's apartment.

Deep rang the door bell of Neha's house with mixed emotions. Her lips were dry and her palms were sweating. Neha opend the door with a wide smile which dropped instantly when she didn't see, Deep's 'husband' with her.

"Where's Vikas?" Was her first question. Deep narrated full story which Neha listened patiently. She did not know what to comment on the whole ordeal, so she suggested to hit the club on Saturday night, that is on her birthday. "Urvi will meet there. She won't be able to join us here." Neha informed Deep. Urvi, Neha and Deep met in college. Deep was there to give her exams and lost her way, but met two wonderful friends who were now her family too. "I think it's for best, otherwise she wouldn't help but say something that hurt you." Neha concluded.

Next day Deep and Neha hit the road little early, as Deep needed to buy some dresses for her and a present for her friend. They went to nearby club at 8 and found Urvi, who was there already.

"Hey birthday girl," Urvi hugged Neha and greeted her. "I have prepared a very lavish birthday present for you today, but first," she handed the drink to the girls, "drinks on me." Deep stayed silent while, Neha fill Urvi on all that happened, thankfully Urvi had nothing to comment for now.

"Okay, let bygones be the bygones. I have a sponsor for today's night. They are waiting for us in a private room." Urvi informed rather too enthusiastically.

Deep's face contoured in disgust. Urvi was always very outgoing, though she was sure the 'sponsors' would be decent people but she was an introvert and that means her whole night is spoiled but she didn't protest as Neha got excited. She just became single and she needed to enjoy her special day.

"But mind you, the hottest one is mine." Urvi laughed as she lead the way.

After dropping Deep to her friend's, Veer didn't went back, instead he went to his friend's who resided near by. Something was off inside him and it was frustrating that he didn't know what. He just wasted himself that night, his friend not knowing the reason thought it was because of his ex, he was pretty much very in love with her.

Next day they decided to hit his friend's club, where a girl came and started flirting with him, which was nothing new to him yet he felt guilty. She told her name Urvi and that her two other friends are coming as they would be celebrating her friend's birthday. Now he is stuck in a private cabin, with his friend who offered to sponsor their celebration today and the girl went to receive her friends.

As the door of the cabin opened, his eyes automatically shifted to it and went wide, all of this happened in slow motion in his mind, his eyes met hers which was equally wide and his lips curved into a wide smile. He felt like his heart started beating again and he took a breath of relife.

The night was a blurr after that, turns out that Urvi was talking about Veer, so Deep  decided to save the poor boy who was looking at her helplessly. When his friend excused himself, she revealed that Veer is her husband amd that was the end of the night. Veer did insisted her to come with him but she denied saying it wouldn't be appropriate.

Monday came and Deep got ready for her lady boss phase. She came back on Sunday's evening, and now was having her coffee and pancakes made by the cook. She was introduced to them as a distant relative, saying she would be living here for an year, which was totally fine by her as she wasn't ready for any formal relationship.

Today the new boss of the company will  be introduced to the employees and she had to be there on time as a team's leader.

Deep was sitting inside board room with her colleagues, they were talking about the new boss obviously but as if they alredy knew him. She was thankful though, no one mention her wedding atleast.

After ten minutes, the door of the board room opened and entered one of the most handsome man she had ever laid her eyes on and the bonus: he was her husband.
'Wait. What? Veer? He was going to be her new boss?' She thought to herself while her eyes were fixated on Veer.

Veer was equally shocked too, seeing Deep in the room. Never in his wildest dream he thought, that his accidentally gunshot wedding will turned into a office romance, but he was quick to recover and masked his shock immediately.

"You are...." Deep can't help but Veer looked straight into her eyes and silenced her forcing her to drink her words.

"I am your new boss." Veer introduced in curt voice.


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