Chapter 4

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Sky POV:

"Guys after practice do you wanna go to the beach?" Evina asks as we are all in the locker room changing

"Yea sure I'm down" Christyn says

"Yea that sounds like fun" Paige also says

After we all agree on going to the beach we make our way to the court to start practice. Today the media is here so they are watching our practice and then we have interviews with them after, I'm kinda nervous but I'm trying not to think about it too much.

For practice we ran a bunch of drills and plays to work on our offense and defense and let me tell you, it was a lot of running.

"Alright we are gonna have some friendly competition" My dad Geno says "All of you are gonna play knockout and I wanna see who the last one standing is" he says as he looks around to all of us

"What's the winner get?" Paige asks

"Nothing. Bragging rights for the day" Geno says which makes us all laugh as we line up and get ready.

I'm actually doing better than I thought. I thought I would get out instantly but I'm actually one of the last few still in it. It's me, Paige, Azzi, and Evina still shooting, in that order.

I shoot my next shot and drain it, as Paige and Azzi are going against each other now. Paige shoots it and makes it, but then once Evina shoots, she makes it which kicks Azzi out.

So now it's me, Paige, and Evina still in it. If Paige scores before me I'm out, but I luckily make the shot a second before she does so I stay in but now it's me vs Evina.

At this point I'm exhausted by all the running we are doing so I don't know how much longer I'll survive but I make the shot before Evina, leaving it to just me and Paige.

I make the first shot verse Paige but since I was in front of her I have to make another shot before she scores in order to win.

I can hear everyone cheering us on from the sidelines as I watch Paige take a shot but it hits the rim and bounces to me, so I purposely roll her ball away from the basket so she has to run after it. While she's running after it I go in for a layup and make it, making me the champion.

Once I win I just lay on the ground exhausted, trying to catch my breath as everyone is cheering for me. Paige walks over to me and offers her hand to me to help me up. I happily take her hand and she pulls me up.

"Good game" she says with a smile

"Good game" I tell her with a smile back

"You know I would've won if you didn't roll my ball away" she says with a smirk

"In your dreams" I say with a smile as everyone makes our away to us

"Alright, that was a good practice everybody. Go get changed and then you guys have interviews, don't say anything stupid" Geno says which makes us laugh before he walks away.

I'm almost done with my interviews I just have one left and it's with Paige. So far no one has asked me why I have transferred and I'm happy about that, but they have asked what it's like to be coached by my dad and I kinda figured they would ask that.

"Hey guys, I'm Bri, I'm from UCTV and I'm gonna ask you questions but they are going to be fun questions. Nothing serious" the reporter says to us which eases my nerves.

"Alright so first thing is first, who would you want to survive on a deserted island with?" She asks

"Hmm that's hard" I say as I look from the reporter to Paige

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