Chapter 5

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Paige POV:

After we spent time at the beach a few of us decided to go out to dinner because we were too lazy to cook. So it's me, Sky, Azzi, Saylor, Evina, and Dorka that are out to eat.

I'm still thinking about how when Sky and I were in the water she wrapped her arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around her neck. It definitely gave me butterflies and honestly just thinking about it, does too.

My thoughts are interrupted when the hostess brings the 6 of us to our table, which is a booth. I honestly love sitting in booths because they are a lot more comfortable than regular tables.

I sit all the way in on the one side with Sky next to me and then Saylor sits next to Sky on the end. Then across from me is Evina, then next to her is Dorka and Azzi is on the other end next to her.

Once we all sit, I start looking through the menu. We came to an Italian restaurant so it's gonna be hard to pick between the pasta or the pizza.

"I think I'm going to go live on Instagram is that okay with everyone?" Saylor asks. We all give her a nod of approval after telling her not to say what restaurant we're at because the last thing I want is fans swarming the place to get an autograph or photo from me.

"Hey everybody!" Saylor says to her live "What are you doing?" She reads "We are out to dinner" she answers "Who's with you?" She reads then she flips the camera showing all of us "Azzi, Dorka, Evina, Paige, and then Sky" she says

"You know what you wanna eat yet?" Sky asks me

"I'm thinking a personal margarita pizza, what about you?"

"I think just some pasta with marinara sauce, nice and simple" she says

Our waitress comes and takes our drink order, everyone orders a water but I kind of want something with flavor.

"Can I have a Coke please" I say to the waitress and I hear Saylor laugh so I look over at her

"What?" I ask confused, wondering if I missed something

"Nothing, just all of us ordered a water and you got a soda" she says

I don't know why she's making it a big deal I just wanted something that has a taste to it and will give me energy since I'm tired after this long day. But she's also making me self conscious so I'm thinking about changing my order to a water but before I can I hear Sky speak.

"Actually can I change mine to a Coke too please?" She asks the waitress

"Of course, I'll be right back with those" the waitress says before walking away

I smile softly at what Sky just did. She must've noticed how what Saylor said hurt me a little so she wanted to make me feel better and not self conscious.

"Paige do you want to join my live so I get more followers and viewers" Saylor asks

I immediately get upset about what she said because it's like she's using me just for my fanbase.

"Not tonight, my phone is almost dead" I say lying looking over at Evina, Dorka, and Azzi and I can tell they know how much that hurt me.

"Please, just for a little? It's not like you are going somewhere tonight where you will need your phone" Saylor pleads

"No sorry. Can you stand up so I can go to the bathroom?" I ask since she's on the end of the booth. I honestly just need to get some air.

Thankfully she complies and gets up and I quickly walk to the bathroom not noticing Sky is following behind me.

Once I get to the bathroom I notice it's empty so I put my hands on the sink and just look down, trying not to let Saylor's comment get to me as I hear the bathroom door open

"You okay?" I hear a familiar voice say and I immediately know I'm going to be okay

"You want me to be honest?" I ask picking my head up and looking into her beautiful brown eyes

"I want you to do whatever your comfortable with" she says and I swear if I wasn't in public I would burst into tears with what she just said because no one has told me that before and made me feel so cared for.

"I feel betrayed. Because the thing I hate most is people using me for my fame instead of actually wanting to be my friend. And you would think your own teammates would know that. But I guess not" I admit

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to go through this. It's not like you asked for the fame. And she should know better especially since she's our teammate but it's crazy what some people will do just for fame. It's also not cool that she made fun of you for wanting a soda so I'm sorry about that" Sky says walking closer to me

"It's fine. Thanks for what you did though you made me feel a lot better" I say as we're standing a few inches apart

"Of course. I would do it again in a heart beat. And I know I shouldn't be hating on one of our teammates but she's definitely a fake friend and only cares about herself" she says with a laugh which makes me laugh too

"You can say that again" I say with a laugh

I don't know why but I got this sudden urge to hug her. So without thinking I did. She didn't seem that fazed about it because she instantly wrapped her arms around me and held me which made me feel a thousand times better.

"Don't let her ruin your night okay? You're an amazing person with a great personality and if she can't see past your following, than that's on her, because she's missing out on a great person like you" she says softly into my ear which one, makes me happy I met Sky because she's making me feel a lot better and two, giving me butterflies.

"Thank you" I say sincerely

"Of course. I'm always here for you" she says which instantly puts a smile on my face. Just this small encounter with Sky makes me feel so safe with her. Like she understands me without even knowing me for that long.

After a couple more minutes of just holding each other we head back to the table and I notice Saylor is still on live but I choose to ignore it because like Sky said, I don't want her to ruin my night.

Once we sit back down I look at Evina, Dorka, and Azzi who all look at me worriedly but I just give them a quick nod, that I'm okay. It seems to be enough reassurance for them or they know I don't want to talk about it because they redirect their attention on something else.

I slouch down in the booth and rest my head on Sky's shoulder. Now I would be lying to myself if I said I was just doing this because I'm tired but it's actually because I miss touching her.

"Paige say hi to my live" Saylor says putting her phone in front of my face

"Hi" I say short and quick to be nice because the fans didn't do anything to me. It's just Saylor that's bothering me.

I feel Sky's left hand grab my right hand and hold it under the table, rubbing her thumb over it, as both of our hands rest on my thigh to comfort me. Her action immediately gives me butterflies and I try so hard not to smile so I don't give attention to us.

The rest of the night goes by pretty fast. Sky and I held hands for the whole time. We both even ate with just one hand so we didn't have to let go of each other. I wonder if she likes me back, because why else would she hold my hand for so long?

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