Chapter 15

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Sky POV:

Paige's parents flew in late last night so they could be here for her surgery today. She isn't allowed to eat anything until after the procedure so luckily the surgery is scheduled for this morning so she doesn't have to wait too long to eat.

Once we get to the hospital they check her in and get her prepped. A few minutes later her parents come in the room to see her before she goes in, and to help ease her nerves that are still present. Before a lady comes to wheel her away.

"I love you mom and dad" she says and they say they love her back

She then grabs my hand and squeezes it before saying "I love you"

"I love you too. I'll be right here when you wake up" I say squeezing her hand back.

Once Paige is in surgery I leave to get her some flowers and chocolate so I can give it to her when she's done. But then I go back and sit in the waiting room with her parents.

"So Sky how is Paige doing with the injury?" Her mom asks me

"She's okay. She definitely has good and bad days so I try to just keep her positive and tell her I'm right there next to her throughout the whole thing" I say

"I'm glad she has you. I can tell you really care for her by the way she talks about you and I can see it just by the way you guys look at each other. You guys truly have something special" her dad says

"Thanks Mr. Bueckers" I say looking down at my hands not sure what else to say

"Oh my gosh is that the ring Paige got you!" Her mom says excitedly noticing the promise ring on my hand

"Yea it is" I say taking it off to show them "I love it, I haven't taken it off unless I have to for basketball" I say

"She was so nervous when she was getting it" her mom says holding the ring

"What, why?" I ask not thinking Paige would be nervous

"She was scared you wouldn't like it or that it would be too much and push you away. I don't know. You know how she is. She overthinks everything" her mom says laughing a little, as she hands me back the ring

"That is true. She does overthink a lot and she always keeps it to herself, she never tells anyone" her dad says

"Yea I've noticed that too. Especially with this injury but I just try to reassure her as much I can so she won't feel ashamed for having those feelings or thoughts" I say

After about an hour of talking to Paige's parents the nurse gets us and says the surgery went well and that we can now see Paige. The nurse did say she would be tired because of all pain killers and anesthesia, but it's not the anesthesia that would make her say crazy things.

"Hey" she says tiredly as we enter her room

"Hey, how are you feeling" her mom asks as she goes up to her in the bed

"Fine. Just tired" Paige answers

"Well the nurse said you can go back to your dorm whenever you want" her dad tells her

"Can we go now. This bed is super uncomfortable" she says sitting up which makes us laugh

"Yea. We'll go get the car. Sky can you help her out of bed and outside?" Her mom asks

"Yea, no problem" I say as they exit the room, leaving Paige and I alone.

I help Paige swing her legs over the bed so she's sitting up. Her leg is wrapped again with a brace over it. The doctor says she will need to use crutches again for about a week. Then we'll bring it down to one crutch, and then lastly to no crutches. Her rehab also starts tomorrow.

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