Guilty Hubby Or Responsible Daddy??

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Tejashree brought Hina home, who was little weak yet excited to meet Sidharth once again. Tejashree made her stay in room next to hers.

"Di, where is Sidharth?" Hina asked his sister, looking at her expectedly. Ever since she had recovered from her long sleep, she was quite insecure and feared about her relation with Sidharth. She has fear of loosing him. Six years were enough to fall out of love and she feared, Sidharth hadn't fallen out of love with her.

"He has left for office. You can meet him in evening, but for now take some rest." Tejashree replied to her sister.

Hina gave a small nod in response and lay down on the bed as Tejashree covered her with blanket. Tejashree placed a kiss on her head before she walked out of the room.

Tejashree went in Sid's room. She had lied to her sister since Sidharth wasn't in mood to meet anyone. Since Shehnaaz has left, he had locked himself in his room.

Tejashree knocked on the door but got no response. Then she pushed the door open and entered the dark room. She switched on the lights and found him on the bed in half laying position. When Sidharth sensed someone's presence, he opened his eyes and look at the person in annoyance.

"Sidharth, Hina is in guest room." Sharon informed him. Sidharth gave a confused look to her.

"She wanted to meet you." Tejashree answered his unasked question.

"Not now, Tejashree. Please." Sidharth muttered. Then his gaze fell over the clock and he got up with a jerk

"Damn! I am late." Sidharth cursed under his breathe, he grabbed his wallet and car keys from the side table and rushed out of the room in hurry.

"Sidharth, where are you going?" Tejashree, who followed him out, asked him. But he was in too much hurry to stop and answer her.

Sidharth left the house in hurry.


Ayaan snuggled up in his mothers arms as she stepped out of the car, Shehnaaz placed her hand over her son's head to protect him from the sun rays falling over him which seems to irritate him.

Shehnaaz walked inside the hospital, she was there was her routine check up.

Shehnaaz walked toward the doctor's cabin, but got surprised when she found her husband, soon to be ex husband, sitting outside the doctor's cabin

And when the little Ayaan noticed his father, he started jumping arms of his mother while leaning toward his father, gesturing him to take him in his arms.

"What are you doing here?" Shehnaaz held her child close to her heart and asked him in stern, sharp tone.

"You know the answer." Sidharth muttered under his breathe, Shehnaaz looked away from him. She knew he was there for her check, even when she was pregnant with Ayaan, he made sure to be there beside her during her check ups.

"Papaaaa-" Little Ayaan interrupted his parents. Sidharth look at his son who looked eager to come to him. Sidharth stepped forward to take him in his arms but Shehnaaz took a step back. Hurt crossed his features but he composed himself.

"Let me take him." Sidharth whispered softly. Shehnaaz look at him then at her child who was still looking at his father. Shehnaaz sighed, and handed Ayaan to him.

Ayaan cupped his father's face in his tiny palms before his lips curved into a sweet smile which made Sidharth smile too. Its been while he had spent time with his son and he missed him truly.

"Ma'am, you can go inside. Doctor is waiting." Nurse come over and told Shehnaaz who nodded in response. Shehnaaz stole a glance at him who was busy in showering kisses on their son, she turned and walked inside the cabin.

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