1. An unexpected coup

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Before he found himself  on a very unfavorable and uncommon place, young Matt decided to eat Strudel with cheese. They were the best strudels he had ever eaten in his conventionally speaking, short life which, for him, will turn to a completely different side of the widely represented atomic-energy currency in which he lived and was a part of it himself. Even if he didn't feel that way at all. All the events he lived through were boring for him, and his eyes were always fixed on the stars, but at the same time with deeply grounded feet and a sense for practical things. 

Suddenly Matt enters the inn and sits down at the table. He was  apparently an ordinary man with a greater height of 190 centimeters who also did not lack weight. As he came from a respectable nonchalant family, he wore round glasses further thickened with a layer for UV protection which included additional hidden possibilities of psychic origin. Made and designed by his grandfather Jarubislav Gayutrella, they featured an S-shaped symbol in their lenses. However, that symbol was not missing even in the middle of the glasses themselves. That faded silver S.

Matt Gayutrella Smit was born on May 9 1983. in the city of Paris of the second level. He has always been different in his views on the world. A skilled archaeologist and a wise mathematician didn't lack knowledge in any field he chose to master. He was engaged in reading and writing interesting books and articles, but he would also not miss out on numerous expeditions that completely encompassed the great desert "Siememimiomagamma" or, in translation; "Bay of sleeping crickets". All these experiences were quite normal for him and he was in constant, tireless search for worlds beyond this dull and dreary well-being. 

In the Inn...

Waiter: What would you like to order today, young sir?     

 Matt: Good morning. I would like to have one portion of strudels with cheese and may I also ask you for one glass of good old Rose?         

Waiter: Of course, we are at your service sir. It's coming in ten minutes.

 The chair on which Matt was sitting on was reddish brown in color and stood out from the usual furniture of the restaurant.  The yellow curtains were a real hit.

Waiter: Here is your drink.

Matt: Thank you.

Matt takes the glass from the table and slowly begins to drink... And thinks... "Oh, this flavor is surprising. Reminds me a bit of "Shedding sheets of the goddess". 

("The shedding sheets of the goddess" are natural spa located in the very center of the great desert.  They were discovered in 1987 as a source of maintenance of the entire desert animal and plant life  by Jarubislav Gayutrella, Matt's grandfather.)

Waiter: And here is your treat. Enjoy your meal sir.

Matt: Thank you, and to you in the future.

Before he can put the cut piece of strudel in his mouth, Matt suddenly starts plunging through an electromagnetic gap and finds himself in a whole new dimension.

An encounter with General Lastra...

Matt: What's happening? Where am I?!

General Lastra(G.Lastra): You've fallen through the multilevel loop.

Matt: What?!

(Everything was noisy and buzzing with loud gamma waves.)

G. Lastra: We must move! Quickly!

Matt: Aha, ok.(Surprised and a little intimidated says Matt.)

G. Lastra: Folow me! We're almost in the base!

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