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it's finally thursday, which means tomorrow is the last day of school, me, billie, and finneas are hanging out in the living room, and their parents were already in bed.

this isn't really important rn but i got all of their number if i ever needed to contact them, so i guess is a good thing.

anyways, it was almost 8pm, we had eaten dinner so once we wrapped up our conversation, billie and i went to her room, "do you wanna take a shower first or should i?" i asked billie.

"how about both of us take a shower at the same time!" she tried to convince me to take a shower with her without actually saying it, "nice try billie, maybe tomorrow," i laughed, i grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom.


me and billie had took our showers and all that stuff so now we were in bed, watching tv.

"i'm tired," i complained, "then go to sleep?" billie said in a sarcastic questioning tone, i rolled over, away from her and drifted to sleep.


it's finally friday, it's the end of the school day so me and billie decided to go to each of our teacher's class rooms and tell them goodbye.

when we were walking out when we saw cleo. billie quickly let go of my hand as we walked up to her, "hey love birds," cleo teased, "dude i already told you i don't like her like that," billie lied, "that one night at my house says other wise," cleo mumbled under her breath.

"it was a one time thing, i don't like her," billie lied once again, and even though i knew she wasn't telling the truth, it still hurt, what if she's not lying and she actually doesn't like me and just feels bad? maybe i'm overthinking it.

"alright well i'll let you two go, bye," she said and before i walked away she hugged me tightly, "i love you." she mumbled, i said it back and walked behind billie. we got in the car and drove home.


i packed my stuff and began to leave, "literally fuck you billie," i yelled, "i didn't do shit?" she yelled back, "you made me think you liked me then go and have a relationship with my best friend behind my back. are you kidding me?! it's one thing you didn't tell me but my best friend!" i screamed.

"i didn't do any of that, i don't know what ur talking about," she yelled, i walked closer to her, "tell me that it was all worth it," i said as i felt the tears come to my eyes.

she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, i grabbed my bag and began to walk out, i looked back at her, "fuck you," i spat and slammed the door behind me and began crying.

then i woke up, out of breath, i was sweating, i felt dizzy, and my heart was beating out of my damn chest. oh thank god it was a dream, i looked beside me to see billie sleeping.

i needed something to smoke but i didn't bring anything with me.


i grabbed my phone and quietly went out of billie's room and went to their back yard to get some air, i sat on one of the chairs and took my phone out.





was about to head
to bed wbu?

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