Chapter 31: Paranoia

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I was jolted out of sleep by a knock on the door

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I was jolted out of sleep by a knock on the door. I almost jumped out of bed when I heard it.

I quickly took a look at where I was. I'm still at Killians.

Why can't I remember when I went to sleep?

I grabbed my head and ran my fingers through my hair as I told whoever was behind the door to come in.

"Good morning." Finn laughed and entered the room.

"Is it morning?" I looked at him horrified.

"It's five o'clock in the evening." He smiled and walked over to me with a tray. He put her on the bed next to me. "I thought you'd be hungry."

"Thank you." I tried to smile.

"Killian left you a while ago and told me to keep an eye on you."

"Killian was here?" I frowned. I can't remember anything. I only know that I drank one coffee after another and worked.

"Yes. Since about eleven. Don't you remember?" He frowned.

"I don't."

"You really needed to sleep."

"Wait, where did Killian go?"

"I don't know, he didn't tell me exactly what it was, but it must have been important since he left you here. Just so you know, he canceled all of his plans for today so he could stay here with you. Thank God Kai knows how things go around here or we'd..."

I stopped listening to him when he finished talking about Killian. For what reason did he stay with me? Why would he disrupt his plans just for me? Does it have something to do with our kiss? I hope not.

I can't really get that moment out of my head, and honestly, I don't even know if I want to. It was...I felt alive. I haven't felt this way in a long time.

"...and you're not listening to me right now."

"Sorry what?"

"Nothing." He laughed. "You should eat. Killian should be back in a few hours though. It looks like you won't be bored." He looked around the room and noticed papers on the floor.

I thanked him for the food and he immediately left the room and closed the door behind him.

I didn't care that there was food on the bed. I threw myself back on it. My back landed on the mattress and my head on the pillow.

I ran my hands over my face and let out a frustrated breath that sounded more like a disgruntled scream than an exhalation.

I tried to organize the thoughts in my head. I feel like I'm losing my mind. And now is not the best time for that.

I also have a strange feeling all over my body. It's been since yesterday. I can't get rid of it. As if something was eating me from the inside, but this time physically. Something is wrong with me, but it can't stop me from getting Nyx and the entire organization. Even if it's the last thing I do.

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