Chapter 65: Memories

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Why couldn't she just listen to me?

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Why couldn't she just listen to me?

Now Lucy saw her. What am I supposed to say to her? It doesn't look like Lyssa remembers her.

And worst of all, I don't care. All I care about is getting her away from Lucy.

I know she wouldn't hurt her, but...there's a but.

"Lucy please." I wanted to get closer, but I was afraid something would happen and it would trigger something in Lyssa that would cause something to happen to Lucy.

She didn't seem to hear me at all, but Lyssa sure did.

She looked at Lucy around her waist but said nothing. She didn't speak yet, and she didn't even hug her back.

"I..." She finally wanted to say something but stopped herself. "I can't." She moved and pulled Lucy's arms away from her body. She took a few steps back with her gaze still on her. But this time she looked almost scared.

She opened the door with one movement and ran away.

I managed to catch Lucy before she did the same. "Lucy, no."

"But..." She started, but I cut her off.

"I said no. Not now. Stay with Kai, you understand?" I didn't wait for her answer and shouted Kai's name. A few seconds later he appeared in the doorway. "Take care of her." I let go of Lucy and without another word started running after Lyssa.

Maybe I should've stayed with Lucy and explained to her what happened, but it's probably too late.

I expected to have to run after her all over the city, but she was standing with her back to me, in the middle of an empty road, a few meters from the house.

I don't know why she stopped, and it didn't bother me either. I walked up to her slowly so as not to scare her and stopped right behind her. "Lyssa?"

"Why did she call me her mom?" She spoke.

"It's complicated."

"You don't say." She snorted. "I can't have kids." She turned to me. "It's impossible, so who is she?"

"Like I said, it's complicated."

"So make it not complicated, before I go back there and get it out of her myself." She said in a warning tone and something inside me snapped at her words.

"I'll kill you the second you take a step towards the house." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

I wasn't the only one caught off guard by these words. Lyssa paled slightly.

I don't know if I could do it, but I know I wouldn't let anyone hurt Lucy. Even if it was Lyssa.

"You wouldn't kill me." Her shoulders relaxed. "I know everyone wanted to kill me a long time ago, but you didn't. You wouldn't do it now." She said confidently.

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