Meeting Him

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I was stumbling through the dense Congo jungle. The ground was covered with rocks, roots, and fallen tree branches. It was quickly becoming dark and I groaned out in frustration as I felt there was no end to this tread through the most humid place I'd ever been.  I kept forcing my sluggish legs to keep moving forward. 

After a few hours - or minutes (I couldn't even comprehend how long I had been walking for) - I finally reached a raggedy tree house. It was unstable and seemed like it could have fallen at any given moment. Extremely tired, and not caring for my safety, I slowly climbed up the wooden ladder into the rotting structure. 

As I walked around the house I heard a deep groaning that resembled an animal growling. 

"Hello," I carefully whispered into the dense air, completely expecting to be attacked by an animal or human. "It's Flynn - Flynn Ryder - I lost my team in the jungle and I don't know where I am" I spoke out, hoping that it was a member of my team. 

"Whoo, Whoo, Whoo," a deep gorilla-type sound came from the dark corner of the tree house and echoed off the walls. 

I slowly walked toward the sound and held my hand out, lowering myself to the ground to not seem like a threat. 

thump. thump. thump. a pounding sound became louder and louder as a tall and broad silhouette appeared from the dark. thump. thump. thump.

"Whoo?" A tall, dark man uttered as he strutted towards me. 

He was the most handsome being I had ever seen in my life. At least 6'6'' tall, with long light brown locks framing his lean and long face. His tan body was carved like a greek statue and just a small piece of torn brown fabric covered his...I marveled at this breathtaking sight in front of me. 

Then as I was frozen in place staring at him, he swiftly picked up a piece of driftwood and flung it at my head. I felt an immense pain near the top of my forehead and everything faded to black as my body fell hard against the floor. 

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