Where Am I?

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I slowly open my eyes and feel a painful pounding on my forehead.

"Fuck," I groan at the extreme pain as I move my sore neck around. As I look around, I see that I am no longer in the treehouse. I am now in a dark straw shack that smells like wet wood and rain. He must have taken me far away because as I look out the small crack between straw bundles I only see tall, tan grass. I attempt to move my legs and arms but achieve nothing. My limbs are bound to a chair by dull green vines. I begin to panic at my restricted movements and call out to the dark shack. "Who's here? Who are you? What do you want?"


Then after a few seconds that feel like hours, I feel a strong, almost alpha male, glare behind me.

"I... want... you..." A deep and rough voice growls, breaking the thick silence wherever we are.

Then, the wonderful man I saw at the tree house walks in front of me. I swear I nearly drool at the sight.

"You can talk?" I ask him as I tilt my head to the side and offer him a small smile.

"Yes...I can...talks a...little," he says, stumbling through his words and even pronouncing some incorrectly. He mirrors my expression, and offers me a much larger smile, revealing crooked and yellow-stained teeth. 

"Well, can you tell me why you want me?" I nearly scream at him, extremely irritated at the situation I find myself in. 

"You..." He begins to say but trails off and looks up to the ceiling of the shack. "You so... nice and... I like."

I feel my sweaty face quickly turn red and hot. I am not sure what to feel. On one hand, this stranger - no matter how beautiful he may be - has kidnapped me and separated me from my team. But on the other hand, I am turned on that he liked me so much to kidnap me and keep me all to himself. I wonder what he wants to do with me... or to me. 

"Okay, well you can't just take someone because you like them, ya know? I was out in the jungle for a reason." I stare deep into his eyes, just hoping that he understands everything I'm saying. "I am searching for a long-lost treasure that is said to be hidden deep in the jungle. have you heard anything about it?"

"Yes, I seen treasure" He responds with yet another smile that makes my stomach turn.

"Really!?" I feel a sense of hope and excitement. "I've been looking for it for so long. How much gold was there? Oh God, I can't believe this" 

"Many gold. Tall, like this," he brings his muscular arms up and points his hands in the air, forming a mountain shape above his head.

"Can you let me out of this chair, please? I promise not to run or hurt you," I plead and give him the softest look I can.

"Umm, yes. Be nice," he says as he walks closer and kneels down in front of me. What a delicious sight. He carefully begins to untie the vines, instantly releasing the pressure against my legs and arms. As he unties the last restraint, he slowly stands up and promptly moves back to the dark corner of the shack.

"Come here, please" I order him as I extend my hand out towards his hunched figure. He walks slowly to me, shameful almost. "My name is Flynn. What's yours?"


"Nice to meet you Tarzan"

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