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This didn't make sense at all. None of it did. Bianca was stubborn, spoiled, and plain rude, and she kept trying to disfigure his face. No, there was no possible way he was attracted to who she was. It was nothing more than attraction in a physical sense. Yes, that was fine. Everything was fine. He'd keep telling himself that, until he came up with a way to deal with this horrible problem.

There's only one way to deal with it. That annoying voice in the back of his mind had reappeared after having disappeared for so long. Leave her mangled corpse in the yard for all to see. Your wolves will be too busy cowering in fear to even remember having called you 'weak'.

Grayson was on his way up to his office, when he heard faint shouting coming from down the hall. Wondering if he'd imagined it, he listened again, this time bringing forth his supernatural hearing skills.

"Fuck you, Briare, let me out!"

His grip on the stair railing grew so tight that it was rendered a deformed hunk of steel. It was bad enough that his reputation had diminished overnight. Did she really have to let the whole world know she was basically pushing him around?

"Open- The- Fucking-"

Grayson threw open the door to her room and stormed inside at "Door-", and was greeted with a kick to the legs. He stared down at where Bianca was laying on the ground. Her face was frozen in surprise, which really did nothing to help his current mood. He remembered how Campbell had been overtaken by a fit of uncontrollable trembles when Grayson had nonchalantly approached him on the second night. That was the reaction he needed, the reaction his wolves would be expecting from Bianca.

"Were you just standing out there the whole time?" Bianca gawked.

Had she planned all this out from the very beginning? Had she somehow foreseen... Whatever was happening to him?

He stepped over her and shut the door. He heard her scramble to her feet. When he turned around, she'd crossed her arms, and was swinging back and forth on her heels.

"Well? What is it?" Grayson spat bitterly, trying to gather up all the cruelty inside of him so he could prepare to completely cripple her. Just one move. One spectacularly horrible and grotesque move would have all the wolves in North America calling him a monster by tonight. "You wanted my attention, Blackburn. Now, you have it."

Bianca licked her lips, then shrugged. "You know, now that I think about it, what I have to say isn't that important. Well, it is, but you look like you have better things to do, so..."

"Do you know what my own wolves are saying about me right now, Blackburn?" Grayson hissed. "Can you guess?"

She didn't answer. She just stood there, looking like she didn't have a care in the world.

"I'll take that as a yes." Grayson approached her slowly, knowing that he had to do something, anything to maintain his power. No alpha that was thought of as soft had ever lasted long.

Bianca stayed where she was. The only part of her that moved were her pupils, which followed Grayson's. He heard the pace of her heartbeat increase ever so slightly, but other than that, she gave no sign that she was frightened or even worried.

"Tell me what you think, Bianca." Grayson caused his left hand to transform, so that when he held his hand up to the level of her face, crooked claws were made visible to her. "Will the whispers stop if they hear I've carved out your eye?"

Two seconds of nothing, Then, Bianca's eyes widened, but not at all in the way Grayson had been hoping them to. It was as if something incredible had dawned on her- God, what did he have to do to get this girl scared?

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