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The Six were the alphas of the six strongest packs in Eastern America. Each of them controlled carefully protected and policed territories. All the smaller packs in these regions answered to them. Lorenzo Blackburn had remained a threat to them for over three decades. He refused to join their leagues and follow their rules, even though his power and influence stretched far enough for him to be called one of them. For a long time now, they'd been looking for a way and an excuse to be rid of Blackburn for good.

Unable to sleep, Grayson repeated these facts in his mind until the break of dawn.

You can't have feelings for me, that's not how it works.

But what did Bianca know about feelings? Hell, what did he know about them? All he was certain about was that, while he was absolutely revolted by the idea of... Liking? Loving? He'd never met anyone as powerful, strong, or as stubborn as her. Maybe his lack of companionship over the years had something to do with why he'd fallen for the first girl he'd really talked to after things had ended with Kenna. But deep down, a part of himself knew this wasn't entirely the case. Bianca was a queen and a warrior- One who always got on his nerves, but a queen and a warrior, nonetheless.

His life had gotten so messy in such little time.

He wasn't sure how he was supposed to face Kenna now- His plan to use her to keep himself away from Bianca had backfired horribly. But as it turned out, he didn't need to come up with any lies for her behalf. Kenna was in such high spirits when she came down for breakfast that she didn't seem to realize anything was wrong.

It was strange, having somebody to share meals with. Grayson normally skipped breakfast, and even when he didn't, it was always him and him alone in a room filled with a feast of fruits and waffles and smoothies.

"This is incredible, Gray, it feels like only yesterday that you took me on a picnic out there," Kenna nodded through the window, where the sight of his private gardens stretched on for miles. "Everything's the same," she marveled. "Well- Almost everything. I don't remember there being so many bodyguards around before."

Four of those 'bodyguards' were currently in the room with them. All of them were staring at Kenna with mixed fascination and shock. It was no secret Grayson didn't have many friends- if any at all- So obviously, having someone laugh with him and call him 'Gray' was something to behold for them.

Especially after what Grayson had done to the five wolves and Reyes last night.

"Why do you need bodyguards, anyway?" Kenna asked, helping herself to buttered toast.

"I... I don't necessarily do business with the nicest of people," Grayson gave her a half lie. "They're here to keep me safe." Now that was a complete lie. Grayson was an alpha, and there was nothing his guards could protect him from that he couldn't handle on his own. But having them around was like a show of strength to any who visited.

"And that girl from last night?"

Something about Kenna's tone told him that she'd been dying to ask this question as soon as she'd laid eyes on Bianca.

Grayson cleared his throat. "What about her?"

"Who is she?"

"I told you. She's my right hand's cousin."

"And... What does she do?"

As this question seemed to have been created from genuine curiosity and not unwarranted jealousy, he decided there was no harm in telling her the truth.

And by 'the truth', he obviously meant anything but the truth. He wasn't sure Kenna would react nicely to knowing there was a kidnapped high schooler staying in the same house she was now living in.

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