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Grayson stared at her. "Have you lost your mind?" he exploded.

What, you think this is going to scare off your pretty friend? Bianca was tempted to say about the human girl, who couldn't be more than a year or two older than herself. But she didn't, because she wasn't the only person with supernatural hearing in this house, and if she said something so cheeky now, the wolves on the floor above her were going to start suspecting things. So she kept her mouth shut.

"Boss, I didn't mean for things to escalate-"

Reyes came bounding down the stairs, then froze when he realized they had a guest with them.

That guest was finally coming out of her shock. Her gaze immediately fell upon Bianca's bruised shoulder- Yes, her bruised shoulder, because Grayson's wolves were idiots and they'd punched her shoulder instead of landing a proper blow on her face.

"Honey, are you okay?" the human girl gasped, reaching out to touch the wound. Bianca shot her a glare, which instantly caused the girl to shrink away. "I'm- I'm sorry, I keep forgetting people have personal boundaries... God, Gray, maybe this wasn't such a good idea."

It took Bianca a moment to realize she wasn't hearing things. This girl really had just called Grayson Briare 'Gray'. Not even Reyes called Grayson that in front of him.

"No- No, hey." Grayson's voice sounded so foreign- Probably because he trying for a soothing tone. "Kenna, everything is fine."

The girl- Kenna- Looked around nervously, like she was expecting a ghost to come popping out of the polished marble walls of the house. "Gray, you always avoided answering questions about your father's job. Exactly what kind of business did you take over from him?"

Bianca wondered what was going through this girl's head right now. So far, she'd witnessed an eighteen year old girl with blood trickling down her face, and a bunch of guards chasing after her. At least she hadn't been able to see the dart guns. Having to explain that would've made things so much more awkward than they already were.

Bianca, Reyes, and Kenna all turned to Grayson, wondering how he was going to reply to Kenna's question. The most believable answer he could give was something along the lines of 'I inherited the crown to a drug cartel' or 'I'm a worldwide weapons dealer now'.

Instead, the stupid bastard turned to Bianca, at whom he'd been screeching his head off not two seconds earlier, and said, "Bianca, why don't you answer that question for Kenna?"

She was going to kill him.

"Land development," Bianca blurted out, because- Well, why not? A land developer was Lorenzo's cover job- It was the answer he gave to his human acquaintances in Crescent Cliffs. It wasn't a lie, either, because alphas like Lorenzo and Grayson, who were more interested in taking over territory than staying alive, legally owned several plots of land. "The Briares have been completely invested in land development for generations, now."

Kenna let out a sigh. Then she shook her head. "I know this isn't any of my business, but what happened to you? And to you?" She turned to Reyes.

Now it was Bianca's turn to have a lack of answers. Reyes didn't seem to have anything to say, either.

"It's nothing serious, Kenna," Grayson placed a reassuring hand on Kenna's shoulder, a movement which Bianca followed with her eyes very clearly. Just what did this girl mean to him?

"Nothing serious? She's bruised all over, and he looks like he's broken his jaw-"

"They do this all the time. It's fine, trust me." Grayson licked his lips nervously. "It's just- Family feuds. Roman and Bianca are cousins."

Enemy of my EnemyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara