68| insurmountable

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Here's the next chapter, as promised!

This chapter is dedicated cookiesandfrogs! I cannot thank you enough for all your votes and comments, and I hope that this chapter is to your liking, because this whole project would not be possible without people like you! <3

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The ride to the exit of the Paths of the Dead was at first uneventful. However, I got the feeling that this was only because those that would attack me were concentrated elsewhere—my ultimate destination. So instead, as Aldion's strides carried us closer and closer towards the darkness in the east, I had plenty of time to think.

And that terrified me.

I hated being alone with my thoughts, especially when there was so much I was trying not to think about. So when the glimmering surface of the winding Anduin river finally came into view, I could not help but feel a sense of relief wash over me.

That was until the stench of burning wood also reached my nostrils—a scent I knew all too well.

Aldion slowed to a stop as we beheld the sight before us.

There, upon the banks of the river lay a city in flames, plumes of thick black smoke billowing into the air.

Aldion stopped as we stood upon the hills overlooking the burning town, and I felt my heart sink. This city was no doubt the home of many. A place of childhood memories, a place of life, love, and laughter.

But I knew the Corsairs' reputation.

I knew that there was little chance that any of what it used to be remained. I tried not to think about what lay down there—the broken homes, the ash, the rows upon rows of bodies...it was all too familiar.

And as much as I wanted to ride down to the bank and of some assistance, I knew that I simply did not have the time. I was still behind, and second by second, the Corsairs travelled closer and closer to Minas Tirith to bring death and destruction to more people.

Judging by the state of the burning, I gauged that the pirates were not too far ahead. No more than an hour or two.

Turning back to the burnt town, I closed my eyes, before quickly whispering a Sindarin prayer of guidance to the afterlife.

I could not afford to stop for long, but I hoped this was at least something.

As I urged Aldion onwards,  I could only hope that Aragorn and the others were faring okay, and that we could successfully intercept the Corsairs in time with the men of the mountain. Without the oathbreakers, we were nothing but a man, two elves, a dwarf and a hound facing off against an entire naval power.

Aldion seemed to understand the urgency of this situation, as his footfalls increased in speed, the world around me nothing but a blur as I gripped onto his fur, ducking my head to avoid the wind. A normal horse had no chance of overtaking a fleet of ships, but with Aldion and the pathway that cut directly across the forests and mountains, I had a chance.

After another half a day of riding, Aldion finally slowed to a walk upon the slopes of the mountain, and my destination slowly came into view. On my right was the twisting river, shimmering beneath the bleak afternoon sun like the scales of a great serpent carving out a path in the land. On the other side was a sheer rock face, the stone sharp and jagged as it met the scarce green grass of the hill beneath our feet.

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