6| the watcher in the water

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Sam led his pony over the stone path, the clip-clopping of his hooves ringing and bouncing on the surrounding rock caverns of the valley, mist hanging over us like the souls of the dead. There was no colour, save for the gold hanging from my hips and my black waves, a spark in a hall of darkness, and beside me, Aldion seemed to blend perfectly into the shadows, his footfalls silent as he soundlessly prowled next to me.

I heard Gandalf's voice in front of me.

"Frodo, come help an old man out." He put his arm over the hobbit, as if leaning on him for support.

I furrowed my brow. This was the man who fought on the quest of Erebor, the one who banished the Necromancer, he was not one to have his strength falter. I continued to walk, my ears perked up as I listened to their hushed voices.

Their voices were low, barely reaching the rock walls, carried away by the wind as they discussed the growing power of the ring.

"Evil will be drawn to you from outside the Fellowship," Gandalf paused, and his voice fell to a whisper any man would miss.

"And I fear, from within."

"Who then do I trust?" Frodo asked, worry lacing his tone, as if he could be attacked at any moment.

"You must trust to yourself. Trust your own strength."

Frodo nodded hesitantly.

I soon zoned out of their conversations, my eyes once again trained ahead, my arrows clattering slightly in their quiver.

Suddenly, we stopped, and from beside me, Gimli pointed.

"The walls of Moria."

Ahead of us lay a great wall of solid grey rock, towering over us like a stone giant, the cliff face stretching on for as far as the eye could see, and moonlight streamed from openings above, clothing everything it touched with a celestial glow. In between us and the wall lay a lake, its waters darker than the shadows like a black watery mirror. Mist swept in from the sides; a veil cloaking what lay beneath.

I inhaled sharply. It was certainly a sight to behold.

"Dwarf doors are invisible when closed," Gimli spoke, banging his metal axe against the cold stone to his left, the metallic clanging resounding against the stone.

"Yes Gimli!" Gandalf exclaimed enthusiastically. "Their own masters cannot find them, if their secrets are forgotten."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" mused Legolas aloud.

Gimli just growled in retaliation. I just shook my head with a slight chuckle.

A chilly wind rolled in from the lake. Beside me, Frodo stumbled, his foot splashing into the water, breaking the mirror that reflected the skies above. A fearful expression crossed his face.

His attention focused on the great wall, Gandalf ran his fingers over the cold smooth stone, his eyes alight with wonder.

"Ah, now let me see..."

With a sweep of his hand, he brushed away the dust, revealing patterns carved into the stone, twisting and winding along the cold hard rock like a river snaking across a map.

"Ithildin." He announced. "It mirrors only starlight..."

As if perfectly on cue, the clouds seemed to part, and the soft moonlight filtered through their veil, streaks of shimmering light reaching down towards us.

"...and moonlight."

My eyes widened as the patterns on the stone began to glow with the radiance of the moon itself, spreading like a quenchless fire, until finally, the Doors of Durin were revealed.

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