-Chapter 19-

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Today Javon has a boxing match and we are really excited to see how it's going to be.

"Are you nervous?" I asked and he shook his head "are you?" he asked and I nodded "why are you nervous I'm the one getting the punches" he chuckled "exactly you're getting the punches" I said.

"So your worried that I'm getting the punches so like hurt" he said and I nodded "aww your worried I'm getting hurt" he teased "shut up and get your shoes on I'll be waiting in the car" I said and before I could leave his room he pulled me in for a kiss.

I blushed and got in the car waiting for my boyfriend to come, his parents and siblings were already there and are waiting for us to come.

Minutes later Javon came to the car and we started to drive to the boxing venue.

When we got in I was surprised to see how big it was, we went to the back room and saw the whole family and the person Javon was fighting.

-Javon's pov-

My opponent's name is jack nail and he was in the same category as me and overall a great guy.

Our match starts at 7 pm so we decided to go check things out like the new mall or the cinema just anything waste of time.

We went shopping for an hour, watched a movie, then returned to the hotel room and chilled there till my father told us it was time to go.

When we reached I did a quick checkup and got out of my clothes and wore my boxing shorts and ring shoes. I wrapped my wrists, palms, and thumbs with boxing gauze.

I got out of the changed room and saw my girlfriend, she looked up from her phone and noticed me "damn baby you look fine as hell" she said getting up "I could say the same thing about you" I smiled wrapping my arms around her.

"I think you're going to steal the spotlight from me" I said making her blush "shut up" she kissed me "you better win" she said pulling away "don't worry I will" I winked.

We found my parents and my father helped me wear my boxing glove he helped me warm up a bit the referee told my family that its time and that we should go sit out with the crowd.

They said goodbye and left but my father stayed minutes later I heard my name and the doors opened. We walked out and people cheered my name I high-fived people and then got in the ring.

The referee said reminded us about the instructions and asked us if we were ready, I wore my mouthguards and nodded, jack wore his and nodded too.

Since we were just teenagers we only could fight 3 rounds and it was two minutes each

I won the first round and he won the second on the third round we decided to take a little break and my whole family came backstage to see me.

Y/n was worried because I had a nosebleed but I assured her that I was fine, they cleaned the blood away and checked for any serious injuries which thank god I had none.

I got back into the ring but before we started I noticed Y/n wearing my jacket which looked huge on her, it made me smile. She noticed me and ran up to the ring with my siblings they talked to the security who moved aside and they quickly ran toward the ring.

I was confused but jogged to the edge, the ring was high so Jaden and Jayla helped Y/n and

"what's up are you o-" Y/n cut me off by pulling me in for a passionate kiss, and the crowd went wild "what was that for?" I asked happily "good luck kiss" she said "Y/n we have to go!" Jayla yelled over the crowd.

"Okay I got to go good luck" she said and we quickly did our handshake and a quick peck at the end.

They all ran back to their places and I smiled returning to my fight which I won!

Everyone chanted my name and my family looked so proud which made me feel so good. I got my trophy and ran and shook Jake's hand.

I ran backstage and was congratulated by everyone they even had a bouquet of flowers for me, we took a picture and I went to get a shower.

When I was done we went out to dinner to continue the celebration.




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