Reunion; Jaune & Andito

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Another day and another boring class by Professor Port. And as usual, he always tells an over exaggerated story about himself in the past instead of actually teaching them about Grimm types and behaviors. As well as their anatomy and weaknesses.

As Jaune was about to fall asleep again. He felt his scroll vibrate and went to check what it was.

He received a text message. Not just from anyone, but his mentor Andito.

Surprise kid. I'm here in Vale. Since you're gonna be in the tournament, I saved up enough to buy tickets for me and your whole family. They'll be there a day before it actually starts though. The reason I'm here is because I have some business with headmaster Ozpin. So expect to see me around Beacon for while. I'll be there in half an hour. See ya soon.


Jaune got excited. His master was in Vale and was coming to Beacon. He couldn't wait to introduce him to his friends. But then the realization came over him.

"Wait what?! Professor Ozpin knows Andi! Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't Andi tell me? Then again. He did promise Lord Monty not to get too involved in Remnant's affairs." He thought to himself about his mentor's reason for keeping quiet.

A few moments later the bell rung. Signaling the end of the day's classes.

"Oh uhh. Timed that wrong I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion of the story will have to wait. Until next time." Prof Port said dismissing his class.

Jaune got up from his seat and rushed out the classroom to the courtyard. His teammates followed him seeing the excitement plastered on his face. Although unsuccessfully considering he had them beat in anything when it came to being physical. 

After a while they caught up to him. He was looking out towards the horizon as if looking for something.

"Jaune! What's going on?! You just rushed out of the classroom without saying anything to us!" Pyrrah asked him, worried if something happened.

"Oh. Sorry guys. I guess I got a little too excited." Jaune replied sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

"Excited? About what?" Ren asked his leader curiously.

"He's here in Vale and he's coming to Beacon!" Jaune said excitedly.

"Who?!" Nora asked.

They were interrupted by the sound of a sonic boom coming from the east. As they looked on at the horizon, the saw a dark red glow followed by a streak of black flying over them at unprecedented speeds.

"What's that?" Nora questioned.

Jaune looked at the unidentified flying object in awe with a soft smile adorning his face.

"It's him."

"Who?" Pyrrah asked. Curious of how Jaune knew if it was a person.

The U.F.O made a sharp turn down and plummeted toward Beacon Academy's courtyard. Right in front of our blond hero and his team.

A pillar of black energy adorned by arks of black lightning with red outlines exploded from the ground. The winds coming from said pillar were strong enough to make most of team JNPR cover their faces and almost make them fall down.

A pair of glowing scarlet red eyes could be seen from inside the jet black pillar. As the energy subsided, a figure could be seen in the center of where the pillar erupted from. A man based on his height and figure. The man in question wore a black hooded jacket with scarlet linings with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and opened up to the bottom of his chest. A light black t-shirt with a dark black 5 leaf clover on it. A pair of black straight pants held up by a black belt. Black sneakers with scarlet linings that looked like they were padded. Black bandages wrapped around his hands and forearms like gauntlet gloves. A headpiece that looked exactly like Jaune's only black with a ruby in the center. And on his back was a jet black sword with thin ruby red designs on the blade and crystal of the same color on the hilt.

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