Chapter Nine

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I woke up to a comforting noise.

Conrad's morning voice.

"C'mon Cammie, you gotta wake up so we can get to the waltz lessons in time!"

"Five more minutes." I groan.

"Not happening." He says, throwing me over his shoulder.

He runs downstairs, into the kitchen, and puts me on the countertop and just started and smiles at me.

At this point my heart is pounding.

"Let me make some breakfast, what do you want?" He offers.

"Just some lucky charms is good with me."

"Coming right up."

"Morning you two." Susannah says.

"Morning Suz."

"Morning mom."

"Oh Camila I forgot to mention, I spoke to Miss Cubbington and she says that she will bring in someone for you to dance with until you find an escort."

"Actually Susannah, I've got my escort."

"You do?"

"She does." Conrad interrupts.

"Well that's perfect! I'll let her know."

Susannah leaves the kitchen, calling Miss Cubbington.

"Oh also, I've laid out your dress for the waltz lessons on your bed Cam. So you better get changed." Susannah whispers while poking her head back into the kitchen.

"Thank you." I whisper back.

I put my dirty dishes into the sink and run up to my room to see my dress.

The dress was beautiful, it was a black satin dress with a slit down the side.

The dress was beautiful, it was a black satin dress with a slit down the side

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(Her dress) (I don't have pic creds I'm sorry)

I walked down the stairs to see Conrad in a tux.

Ugh he looked so good.

I couldn't even speak before Susannah pulled out her camera.

"This will be so cute to look back on when you two are older, please can I get a photo." Susannah begs.

Me and Connie just look at each other and nod our heads.

Susannah smiles.

Conrad wraps his hand around my waist and I smile, but not for the picture, I smile because I'm actually happy.

"Okay now on you go, I don't want you two being late." Susannah says.

We hop into Conrad's car and we drive to the hall.

"You look good in a tux con."

"You think? I haven't wore one since last years ball so I kind of forgot how to tie a tie, Laurel had to tie it for me."

I giggled.

We arrived at the hall and Conrad got out the car, to opened my car door.

"After you."

"What a gentleman." I say with sarcasm.

He holds out his arm for me to hold and we walk into the hall, arm in arm.

The second we walked in, I felt eyes on us.

Conrad could tell I cared.

"Don't worry about what they think, Nicole's just making a big drama, ignore it. I'm here for you, not her." He reassures.

I nod my head and we all get into position.

Miss Cubbington was scary.

Really scary.

We danced for what felt like a century and then we were finally finished.

Once we were excused, Shayla came up to me.

"Hey, we're all going out for ice cream, on me of course, coming?"

"Yeah sure!"

Me, Conrad, Shayla, Steven, Belly, and Cameron got into Shaylas limo and drove to our favorite ice cream place.

"Thanks for paying Shay, we promise we'll pay you back." Belly says.

"Oh no need to pay me back, I love treating you guys."

We all laugh and chat for ages until it was time to go home.

On the drive home Conrad got a text from someone and asked me to answer it since he was driving.

It was Nicole.

Nicole- I saw you with Camila today, you can stop pretending now. Come back to me connie.

"Who is it?" He asks


"Wait what, what did she say?!"

"Read for yourself."

I put his phone down and let him pull over.

"What a bitch."

I looked out the window trying not to look at him. Was he really pretending?



"Look at me."

I turn my head slowly to look at him.

He grabs the side of my face to make sure I don't look away from him.

A single tear came falling down my face.

I don't even know why.

I know Conrad wouldn't do that.

"Don't tell me you believe her."

"I don't."

He wiped the tear away from my face and I turn away again.

And again, he grabs the side of my face and makes me look at him.

"Why would I pretend?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"What can I do to make you trust me?"

I pause.

"Show me you love me." I start

"Prove to me you're not doing this out of pity." I finish.

He looks at me and smiles.

He still has a hold on the side of my face.

He stares at my lips and pulls me closer to him.

I unbuckle my seatbelt.

Was this really about to happen?

Was I about to kiss Conrad fisher?

I was.

I did.

He kisses me passionately and looks back at me.

He unbuckles his seatbelt and kisses me again.

After a while I pull back and just look at him.

He tucks my hair behind my ear and asks.

"Do you trust me now?"

I nod.

I try to hide my smile like a usually do, by biting my bottom lip but this time Conrad says.

"I hate it when you do that, let me see you smile. Don't hold it back."

He pulls out my bottom lip and I smile.

"That's much better."

I I put my seatbelt back on and we continue to drive home.

I smile the whole way back.

My boy | Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now