Chapter eighteen

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It was Conrad.
I tried not to fully show it but 10 year old me would be screaming right now.
I took his hand and we lined up with the others.
It was magical.
We swayed to the music and started the routine.
The way he looked at me gave me butterflies.
He spun me around and whispered in my ear.
"You look beautiful by the way."
I smile and continue the dance.
He goes down on his knee and spins me around, still keeping eye contact.
Once I get up, the dance finished.
I hugged him.
"Thank you Connie."
"So you're talking to me now hm?"
"Don't start that or I'll stop talking to you again."
I smirk.
He smirks.
We walk back to the table when Jeremiah storms through the doors.
He walk up to Conrad and says:
"Conrad we need to talk."
"Can we talk after?"
"No, this can't wait. It's about mom."
"No Conrad, we need to talk."
"Jere, it's okay."
"You know?"
I was so confused.
"You knew this whole fucking time didn't you?!"
"Jere let's just go outside-"
Jere throws a punch and starts attacking Conrad.
They toss and tumble all over the floor.
"Guys stop!" I yell.
Susannah spots the both of them and runs over from the bar to separates the two.
Jere rolls off Conrad and they lay on the floor.
"What is going on here!?" She yells.
There was a pause.
"We know mom." Jeremiah admits.
"Know what?" Me and belly both ask in sync.
My mom walks over and places her hand on my shoulder.
"I think it's best if we go home before we tell you this."
Once we arrive home we all sit down on the couch and Susannah explains everything.
She explains how she's been going through chemo.
She didn't want to tell us kids because she wanted to have once last perfect summer.
"I only have a couple moths left."
That sentence broke me.
Those seven words destroyed me.
Susannah has been with me through everything.
My first period.
My first boyfriend.
My first kiss.
Susannah was like my mom.
I couldn't lose her.
I couldn't imagine what was going through Jeremiah and Conrad's mind right now.
I mean sure, Conrad's known for months, but hearing him mom explain it must be heartbreaking.
We all tried to stay strong in front of her but once we were excused to go to our rooms. We all went in our beds and sobbed.
Me, belly, laurel and my mom all went in Belly's bed.
"Mom, Val?" Belly mumbled.
"Yes honey?" My mom said.
"Are you guys okay, I mean you've knows for moths and told no one."
Neither of them said anything and just started crying.
Me and Belly hugged them.
They must have been going through so much.
Steven walked in, in tears. I haven't seen Steven cry since we were like seven.
"She's not gonna make it is she?" He mutters.
Laurel shakes her head and opens her arms for him to join us.
We all lie there and sob, if we wanted to be sad we'd have to do it now. After this we all had to be there for Susannah.

I sat on the couch in denial.
My own mom just told me she only had a couple of moths left.
I knew what she was going through but hearing it coming out her mouth, that was one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through.
"Mom please, I saw the email on your phone, you have to do the treatment, you have to." Jere begs.
"There's less than a 1% chance that it'll work baby, I can't put myself through that again."
"Mom please, I can't lose you. Tell her Conrad."
"Mom please, for us."
I sob.
I'm begging for her to take this treatment, I can't lose my own mom.
"Okay, okay, I'll do it."
Me and Jere both give mom the biggest hug ever.


I go into the kitchen to start cooking dinner.
I need to stay strong for Susannah.
I need to stay strong for the kids.
Susannah walks into the kitchen.
"Oh god something must be terribly wrong if you're cooking."
"Oh shush, I cook all the time."
"I told the boys I would do the treatment, I mean I just couldn't say no I-"
I cut her off and give her a giant hug.
"I don't care if it's a 1% chance, I believe I'm you, it will work, it will be magic."
"Since when did you believe in magic?"
" I believe in you."


it kills me to say that this was the final chapter of this book, it's been a rollercoaster, I cannot express how grateful I am for all the love I've been getting. I've even been given the opportunity to have this made into a e-book or even a hardback. I have had the best time ever writing this and I hope you've loved it too. If you want me to write a book about Conrad and Camila life, after college, or any other fan fics you wanna see me write, leave a comment right here!!

Again thank you so much and I hope you'll ready my other books another time :)

Yours truly, millie.

My boy | Conrad fisher Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora