Chapter 10: Chuunin Exams

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"Alright Team!" Guy Sensei tells us seriously one day. "I've submitted your names for the Chuunin Exams. Don't disappoint me, and show everyone the might of Team Guy. Together, you will dominate these exams and make me proud!" He strikes a 'nice guy' pose after his rather serious speech.

"Yes Guy Sensei!" We all say in varying levels of enthusiasm.

"To make the team look as great as possible and show a unified front, I got you each one of these!" Sensei pulls out three green jumpsuits, just like his own and forces them into our hands. Neji and I cringe and set them less than politely on the nearest surface. Lee starts to glow when he got his. Lee goes on for a while longer about what an inspiration Sensei is, but Neji and I already took our Chuunin exam forms and are walking away. We've mastered learning when Guy is done talking, even if he doesn't actually stop talking, so we know there's no more left to say.

"We're finally going to become Chuunin. Finally, the main family will see our worth. We will not fail." Neji says to me as we walk home.

I try not to make eye contact with him. It's mean, I know, that he's going to lose and I know how to stop it, but honestly he needs the Naruto speech moment. He's still so full of spite and rage at the main family, but for the wrong reasons. He feels so caged because of our curse, which is true, but he is letting that just make him burn with hatred. I know that we both have arrogance as well because we never lose, but at least I'm never outwardly mean to others about it like he is. He still constantly puts Lee down all the time, even though he secretly respects him. I'm just incredibly confident in my skills I have mastered, so my arrogance comes from that.

"Whatever happens during the exams, I'm sure we will come out as greater shinobi." I say confidently to him.

I think back as we walk home. I haven't seen my friends very much lately, so this will be nice to see them again. I haven't seen Kiba in almost a year, Shikamaru in about four months, and Sasuke I do see more often, but not as much as I used to. I did happen to run into him before his bridge builder mission, but that was more on accident as I was on a walk.

~ flashback ~

I was on a walk, choosing to explore the woods outside the village thistime. I was hoping to run into Kiba while I was there, but if not, at least get some change of scenery.

"Sasuke?" I call out, seeing him at the front gate, standing with Naruto and Sakura and an old man.

"Ami. Been a while." Sasuke says, turning to me with a nod but keeping a straight face. I smile and walk up to him.

"I see you graduated. Congratulations. Sorry I haven't been around lately, I've been busy with training, but since you're a genin now, I'm sure you know all about that." I say with a smirk.

"Hn." He does his stupid noise thing, this time with a smirk.

I throw a kunai at him immediately. He did that on purpose, the little shit. He caught it easily, I didn't throw it very hard, not actually wanting to hurt him anymore, this is tradition at this point. His teammates freak out for a moment before they notice that both of us are smiling slightly.

"Try again, brat." I tell him firmly.

"Thanks." He growls out after rolling his eyes. "Yes, I've been training."

"That's better. Going on a mission now?" I ask him while smiling again, taking back my kunai as he hands it to me.

"Yeah, to the land of waves." He says to me.

"Hmm..." I say vaguely. I try to think of a useful bit of info to tell him, but also to be subtle about it. "Don't die, I guess. Train hard while on your mission." I say with a shrug. There really is no good advice I could offer without sounding weird. Even if I told him he would almost die, nothing would change. He is going to activate his Sharingan on this mission, so he will be much stronger when he returns.

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