Chapter 46: Epilogue

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I look all around me, feeling a difference in the darkness. It's not the stillness of darkness I was just in when I died, this one is alive, moving, and has a strong presence. I remember this darkness. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the different appearance and texture of the darkness after being in an animated world for so long.

"Death?" I call out sadly, looking for the floating entity. They appear before me, just as they had the first time. "I died again, didn't I?" I ask plainly, not ready to accept the truth. My emotions start to bubble up, the realization that I can't see my friends again, can't be with my brother again, all is starting to hit me.

"Yes, you did." Death says, their voice once again emanating from everywhere around me, yet also inside of my head. "Your soul this time is stronger than last. I can see it, you learned the true importance of friends." I sob at that, the finality of it all hitting me. I try to reign it in after a few minutes of silent tears, answering Death's unasked question.

"Yes, I did. It's not the people who are near you by association or convenience, it's the ones who will go into a war with you, and fight with you. True friends are those who will match the distance you are willing to go for them. Friends are those who don't give up on you, no matter your traits, who accept you for who you are." I say, and feel myself tearing up again. "I'm not going back to them, am I?" I ask in sorrow, already knowing the answer.

"No, your journey in that realm is done." Death says with finality. "However, I would like to offer you a gift."

I look at the entity curiously as the tears start to fall again. "A gift?" I repeat to them, and they move towards the wall, and it reshapes, almost appearing like a screen.

"Watch, and see the affects you made on those around you. See how your friendships blossomed, even after your death. See how a soul should impact others when it is fully formed." Death says, and I tilt my head curiously.

"But my soul isn't fully formed. I saw it in battle twice, it has holes in it." I observe to them.

"True, for now. But the friendships you formed, formed to your very soul. They are the solid, complete parts of your soul now." They say, and the wall comes to light, looking like a window into Konoha.

In the window screen, I see many things. I watch my own funeral, where all of my friends from every village come to see me. I can see Kitsuchi and Kurotsuchi from the Stone, we bonded during battle, and I guess we bonded enough for them to solemnly stand there amongst my own friends. I can see Kamui and Killer Bee there from the Cloud. The Sand siblings are all in attendance as well, standing up towards the front with my Konoha friends. The entire Hyuga clan, both main and branch families are there, with Lord Hiashi standing at the front of them. In the front of the large crowd gathered, I see everyone from Konoha I knew, even Itachi, Raido, Aoba, Izumo, Kotetsu, Genma, and Hayate. In the very front, Team Guy stands alongside Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Kiba, my closest and oldest friends. Neji stands in the very front of everyone, a look of grief on his face that I wish I could make go away. I wish I could tell him that I'll be ok.

The next scene I see in the window is of Neji, reading the letter I left for him with the Hokage before the war. I was afraid I would die in the war, so I prepared a few letters. Most of them was just saying a thank you to each of my friends, and what their friendship meant to me, but Neji and Sasuke got different letters. Neji's told him the truth, the whole truth about me. I told him how I was afraid he would see me differently, and that's why I never told him. I watched as he read the letter, and saw the tears fall down his face.

"I never would have seen you differently, Ami. You're my twin, my best friend, I will always love you." I hear Neji say, looking to the sky. I feel a fresh tear roll down my cheek, and wipe it away softly while I smile at my brother.

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