Chapter 29: Hospital Visitors

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When I woke up again, I was in the hospital. I turned my head to the side and saw my whole team sleeping in chairs around me. I can see it's night time outside, and that we are back in Konoha again.

"Oh good, you're finally awake." I turn my head and see Shizune entering the room. "These guys all refused to leave until you woke up. You've been asleep for about five days now, three of them was traveling back home. The paralysis wore off completely after a few hours, and thankfully Sakura was on site and able to heal the wound mostly." She informs me.

"How bad was it?" I ask curiously, trying to sit up and still feeling a lot of pain.

"Pretty bad, but could have been worse. The blade pierce your solar plexus and did a lot of internal damage, but with time and proper recovery, you should be fine and moving around well enough." She consoles me with a smile.

"Ami!" I hear Neji gasp out as he must have woken up from our talking. "You're awake!" He jumps out of his chair, the noise waking the other two up who also jump up and join him.

"I'm fine, apparently." I console them as the hover around me fretting. "No long term damage. Maybe a scar, but that's it. Now someone tell me what else happened on the mission." I demand firmly to shut my team up.

"Team Kakashi recovered Sai. He was apparently going to betray the village due to his orders from Danzo, but he chose not to. He helped them try and bring..." Neji informs me, then glances quickly at me with an undiscernible look on his face before continuing. "Well, Sasuke was there, sis. Team Kakashi found him, and they tried to get him to come back with them, but he wouldn't leave. Sasuke attacked them all, but left when Kabuto appeared. According to Sakura, Orochimaru looked to be dead when they appeared. But Sasuke still left with them. She said he didn't seem to care that Orochimaru was dead, but that he still had something to do." Neji informs me seriously, though he gives me a subtle knowing look.

"I'll bet he still has to fight his brother." I say bitterly. I still have to act like I didn't see him. "But he was there? Did he look alright?" I ask curiously and see a hint of a smirk ghost over my brother's face. He probably saw me in the hideout with him.

"Naruto said he was strong and very powerful." Lee tells me. "He managed to quickly beat all four members of their team before he left."

"Those guys wouldn't have actually fought him. They are trying too hard to bring him home peacefully, they never would have actively hurt him." I defend the team. Even Sasuke would have struggled greatly if those four went full out, especially Yamato. That guy's a special ANBU Black Ops member and a wood style user.

"Oh, Ami, I almost forgot. As I was stuck in the paralysis, I looked around the lab and found this on Orochimaru's table. It was on a severed hand, but I still recognized it and grabbed it. You have the others, don't you?" Lee asks me holding out Orochimaru's Akatsuki ring.

My eyes widen in surprise, "Lee, that's awesome! I didn't even think he still had his." I say excitedly, taking it from him when offered. "Now we have three! We're getting a good sized collection at this point."

The team stays with me a while longer, talking about the mission before I start to get tired again. I make them all go home, even Neji. They need proper sleep and rest as well. I get woken up the next day to a steamed pork bun being wafted under my nose.

"Good morning, Kakashi." I say before opening my eyes. I hear him chuckle at me as I open my eyes and look skeptically at the pork bun. "Am I even allowed to eat solid food right now? I do have a hole in my stomach." I say bitterly.

"Maa, I didn't ask." He says sheepishly, looking at my chart for confirmation. "You can, just eat slowly." I don't wait for further confirmation and take a small slow bite of the delicious food. I smile happily as I slowly munch on the food. I look around and notice Tsunade walking into the room and sealing it for privacy.

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