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| Camden |

I was still a little hot-headed for a while after that unfortunate meeting with Cory. Mateo and Adrian were basically tiptoeing around me the whole time until I finally started to loosen up again. I'd shouted at Mateo one too many times and felt really bad and had to apologise every time immediately afterwards.

But I'd managed to calm down as the slight bruising on my knuckles had started to fade. Why did punching someone have to hurt so fucking much? I think seeing Adrian punch Mateo earlier that day had made me think I could do it too but I honestly, hurting yourself to hurt someone else, not as worth it as you might think when you'd basically been a pacifist for years, and this is me trying to forget about the fights my brother and I used to get into when we were younger.

Anyway, as it got closer and closer to results day, my anger just kind of turned into anxiety. I was really nervous to find out my results and finally know for sure if I got into Nottingham uni or not. And then suddenly it's the day before results day and I'm a nervous wreck. I can't seem to stop pacing or twitching or needing to do something with my body to release all this energy that was inside of me.

So well... I thought I could just put Mateo inside of me instead, and he seemed to like the idea as much as I did. His fingers were working their way inside me pushing and spreading and curling, his mouth on my cock, and it was definitely a good distraction from anything else I might have been thinking about otherwise.

"Uhh Mateo," I moaned. My hand had fallen into his hair and as I was getting closer to my release, I was gripping his hair so tight that I was worried I was going to pull it out.

But then Mateo started sucking harder and his fingers found my prostate and a few more seconds and I came into his mouth. And yes, he swallowed.

"Better?" he asked his head coming out from under the covers.


He collapsed on top of me as spent as I was. Let's just say we'd been at it for a while, and I had taken him in my mouth more than he'd done for me. I was definitely too sensitive to go again which was a shame because I was really enjoying the distraction for a number of reasons.

But we just ended up cuddling because we really couldn't do anything else and before I knew it, we were asleep, and then suddenly I was waking up on the day I was both dreading and excited for.

"I can't believe it's results day already," I told Mateo when I saw that he was finally awake. It was strange, neither of us had been having trouble sleeping for a while now. I did read somewhere that sleeping gets easier when you're next to someone you love, something about feeling protected and comfortable. Mateo definitely made me feel those things, so it made sense.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"Really really nervous."

"I bet you've done great mi sol."

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.

"Of course, you can."

"I kind of told myself that if I didn't get into Nottingham, then I wouldn't go to uni at all."

"What! Why?"

"Because that was the only place you would be and I was scared of going somewhere where I didn't know anyone," I admitted.

"Cam... you know that if you want to go to uni, you can't let yourself be held back by whether you got into this specific one or not. You gotta go, as long as uni is what you want. I should be a non-factor in whether you go or not," he said. God, I loved him.

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