1- Vampire

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Sometimes people choose to become vampires; sometimes, life chooses for them. Being a vampire isn't always all it's cracked up to be; sometimes, it's everything I could have ever wanted.

My story's not as tragic as some; it took me a long time to find where life was leading me. As a human, I was left to take care of my two younger brothers when I was barely 18. My parents were killed in a freak accident, and I was all that was left. I dropped everything and focused my entire life around my brothers and everything they needed. For three years, life was as good as it could be. Then it wasn't.

I woke up on a day like any other. I made breakfast for my brothers, Ian and Timothy, before making their lunches as well. Both of them came running into the kitchen, already running late for the day.

"Thanks, Anna!" Ian yelled through the house, sitting down at the table to eat.

"Eat quickly!" I yelled back, looking at the time. "The bus leaves in 15 minutes!"

"We will!" Timothy yelled back.

The two boys ate in silence while I finished packing their lunches. I put the packed lunch boxes in their backpacks before bringing them into the kitchen.

"Alright, hurry up," I told them. "It's time to go, or you'll miss the bus."

Both Ian and Timothy got up from the table to grab their backpacks from me.

"Bye, Anna!" Timothy said, wrapping me in a hug before grabbing his backpack.

"Bye, Tim," I replied. "Have fun at school today. Just remember to take your time on your math test, and you'll be fine."


Then Ian grabbed his bag from me, asking, "We'll see you after school, right?"

"Yes, but you'll beat me home today. I have to work until 7, so we can order dinner when I get home," I told him.

I got an "okay" from both boys before they headed outside and toward the bus.

It wasn't uncommon for them to be home alone for a few hours after school, so I wasn't too worried about it. I should have been more worried; maybe then it wouldn't have happened.

I went to work like normal that day and didn't think about the boys more than I normally would have. Sure, I kept an eye on the time and sent positive thoughts out to the universe when I knew Timothy was taking his math test, but I always did stuff like that. It was second nature for me.

When I got off from work at 7, I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed home, eager to hear about how Timothy and Ian's days went. I would get a run-down every night, and it was something I cherished. For some reason, I was in more of a rush than usual, and it made me grow uneasy. I didn't know why, but I felt like I needed to rush home.

This feeling only increased when I pulled into our driveway to see the front porch lights were not on. Whenever I got home late, Ian would always turn on the porch light so I wouldn't have to walk in the dark. It was something I used to do for him with night lights when he was little and scared of the dark hallways in our house, and it made him feel safer to know that I wasn't walking alone in the dark.

I quickly got out of my car, keys in hand, to make sure the boys were okay. As I put my hand on the doorknob to put my key in, I felt it give way. The door was unlocked, meaning something was really wrong inside the house. I had it drilled into Ian and Timothy's heads to always lock the door.

"Boys!" I called out, running into the house, not thinking rationally. I heard the door hit the wall and bounce back, closing itself behind me.

"Anna!" I heard a voice yell, leading me deeper into the house.

I stopped momentarily at a closet, reaching in to grab a baseball bat I bought for Ian a year ago before continuing deeper into the house. "Boys?!" I yelled, hoping to find them before anyone else did.

"Anna!" The voice was closer this time, and I knew it was Ian calling for me.

I followed the voice that lead me to my bedroom. I quickly ran inside, shutting the door behind me. "Boys?" I whispered, hoping they were in the room.

I saw Ian and Timothy's heads peak out from my closet, helping me calm down slightly. "Boys," I whispered in relief, knowing they were okay.

"Anna," they both said happily, rushing from the closet to me. I quickly pulled them into a hug, trying to help calm them down.

"What happened?" I asked them, letting them go.

"Someone broke into the house, but we don't know where he went," Ian told me, grabbing Timothy's hand with his own.

"Okay," I said, coming up with a plan in my head. "We can jump out the window and run to a neighbor's house. Surely someone will help us."

"It's too late for that."

The unrecognizable voice startled all three of us, and I immediately placed myself between the boys and this man. In the darkness, I was unable to see any distinguishable features except for his glowing red eyes. His random appearance in the room frightened me, but I wouldn't show him that.

"What do you want?" I asked him, gripping my bat tighter.

"No," he muttered. "You don't get to ask questions."

Before I could even move to stop him, he was behind me with both Ian and Timothy knocked out in his arms.

"No!" I yelled, turning to hit him with my bat. I swung my arms and hit him in the back, only for the bat to shatter upon impact. "What?" I mumbled, stepping back in astonishment.

The mysterious man looked up at me, red dripping from his mouth. "You are an interesting young woman," he told me. "Perhaps, you would make an interesting vampire as well."

"Let my brothers go," I told him, not understanding what he was saying but wanting my brothers to be let go. "Take me instead, if that's what you want."

"Sadly, that cannot happen," the man replied. "But I have a new plan now."

His words angered me, causing me to throw myself at him, hoping to knock him away from Ian and Timothy. As my body hit him, I felt a prick on my neck, as if he bit me. I felt my body go limp in his arms as my vision started to darken.

The last thing I heard before drifting off to darkness was, "an interesting vampire indeed."

I came to some time later lying in the same place. I got up and looked around to find no trace of my brothers or the stranger from before. As I paced the room, looking for anything to tell me what had happened, I passed by my mirror, saw a glimpse of myself, and stopped.

As I walked toward the mirror, I took in my strange appearance. My hair had turned a darker brown, and my skin had become almost as white as snow. I could see a bite mark on my neck. My reflection looked flawless, but my eyes caught my attention. They were a deep red, deep enough that they could almost pass as dark brown, but I could tell the difference.

I thought back to what the stranger said, trying to understand what was happening when I remembered his words. "Vampire, huh?" I mumbled to myself, catching sight of my two sharpened teeth. "I guess I could get used to that."

I turned around to look at the room once again. I could smell the stranger that had been in the room with me, but I could tell the boys were truly long gone. At that moment, I knew I had two options, to wallow in self-pity or to go out and do something about it. I vowed from that moment on that I would use this new life of mine to help others who had fallen prey as I had and to protect those who needed it.

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