3- Another Family

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We experimented with ways to hunt for a while before finally settling on a temporary solution. It was a very convoluted way to help Jasper get what he needed, but we knew we needed to figure something else out. Our complex solution was for me to find and kill someone while Jasper and Alice were far enough away not to affect Jasper. Once I killed the person, Alice would see, and the two of them would join me. It took a lot of time and a lot of preparation, but it was worth it to keep Jasper strong enough to be around people without snapping.

Our strange way of living continued for a while while we traveled the country together. We found places to stay and things to do while figuring out our next move. Of course, Alice's visions threw a wrench into our plans once again.

The three of us stayed in a cabin we rented for a while. It kept us far enough away from people for them not to be a bother, and it was way nicer than staying in the woods. We would spend days watching TV, reading, exploring the woods, or making random art pieces. Alice had suddenly fallen in love with painting, so Jasper and I would try to draw something not terrible while Alice made beautiful art.

"Allie, does this look like a fox?" Jasper asked, showing the piece of paper he was drawing on to Alice.

She looked away from the canvas she was working on to Jasper's paper, a slight frown on her face. "Kind of," she told him honestly, knowing he wanted to hear the truth. "It looks a little wonky, though."

"Dang it," he murmured, turning to show me. "What do you think?"

"I can tell that it's a fox," I told him, trying to be helpful.

"That means it looks terrible, doesn't it?" He asked me, pouting like a child.

"It does not," I replied.

I noticed Alice go rigid in the corner of my eye as she mumbled, "vision." Jasper was obviously paying attention as well since he sped beside her without a moment's hesitation. He held her in his arms as she slumped into him. We had both learned that it was easier for her to focus on her visions when she didn't have to focus on remaining standing or sitting

Alice shook her head, coming out of the vision, before looking at me with wide eyes.

"What is it?" I asked gently, not sure what was causing her to act so strangely.

"There's another family, like us," she told me. "But they don't drink human blood. They live off of animals."

"Animals?" Jasper asked, suddenly very interested. "They can live without human blood?"

"Yeah!" She replied, turning to face Jasper more. "And they can teach us. I see them helping us."

"Where?" I asked her.

"In Alaska," she replies, not even thinking about it. "And they're so nice. There are four of them, and they're all so different, but they've created a life where they can coexist with people. One of them is even a doctor that works in real hospitals full of people!" She was excited as she was rambling on about everything she had learned about them. As she continued to speak, she leaned into Jasper more as he tightened his arms around her reassuringly.

I watched Alice and Jasper interact with interest, knowing that the two were developing feelings for each other. I had yet to figure out if they were platonic or romantic, but at the very least, I knew they cared for each other, which I was happy about.

"So, when do we meet this family?" I asked Alice, interested in meeting the strange group Alice was describing.

"We leave tomorrow," she told me, smiling as she spoke. "Oh, Anna, they're wonderful. I know you'll love them. They're just like us! Carlisle is more like a father to them, while Edward, Rosalie, and Emmet act childish like Jasper and me!"

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