4- Room to Spare

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Our group made our way to where Carlisle's coven was staying. It was a reasonably large house in the middle of nowhere. Unlike the random motels and cabins we had been staying in, it felt like a real home.

We made our way into the house, where I discovered everything was a mess. There were random things everywhere. Every shelf was unorganized, and there were random pieces of clothing placed throughout every room. I could also see a few photos and things hanging on the walls, but most of it was chaos.

Before the family fully welcomed us, there was an obvious need for introductions. We all gathered in their living room, where I thoroughly explained our situation.

"So, we are three nomads who have been traveling together for a while now. I was turned more recently, and I found Alice and Jasper just recently. Alice, here, can see glimpses of the future. She can see any current path a person is on and where it will lead them. Jasper is an empath and can feel and manipulate others' emotions. I can create force fields and block attacking powers. We came here because Alice saw a vision of us all becoming close and helping each other."

"Well, that was quite a speech," Emmet said jokingly, looking at Jasper and Alice behind me.

Both Alice and Jasper stepped behind me out of instinct from the way Emmet was looking at them. He seemed to be glaring at Jasper especially. I felt Jasper place his hand on my back, feeling his fear while looking at Emmet. I set a force field around us, just in case, to help ease his worries. I saw Edward give me a weird look as I did.

"Emmet, knock it off," Carlisle told him, hitting his arm before turning his attention back to me. "He's sorry, and I'm glad you found us, and I feel like I should tell you a little about us. I was turned a long time ago. I spent a time living with The Volturi, but I didn't like killing to survive. So, I turned to animals. I found we could survive off of their blood without having to kill humans. I turned Edward sometime later. Then Rosalie, and then Emmet. All three of us live off of animals, and Edward here can read minds."

"Except for right now," he mumbled, looking straight at me. "I can't read your minds right now, but I could earlier. Why?"

"Maybe my force field," I told him. "It blocks attacking powers. It might block yours as well."

"You have it up right now?" He asked, shocked.

"We've had some unfortunate encounters," I answered, glancing at Emmet, who was still staring at Jasper, before settling back on Edward. "I don't like taking chances."

"Emmet," Rosalie told him. "Knock it off."

"She didn't explain the scars," he told me.

"Emmet!" Carlisle snapped, turning to face him. "Stop it."

"She didn't, Dad!" Emmet yelled back, standing to face Carlisle. "He's obviously been in a war, and she's not explaining it."

"Not good," Alice muttered, stepping behind Jasper for comfort.

I felt Jasper press even closer to my back, not liking the anger in the air. "Anna," he whispered, placing his head on my back. I tried calming myself down, so he could see everything was going to be okay, but I could tell his anxiety was spiking.

I decided just to rip the bandaid off. "He was used in the Texas vampire wars."

The fight between Emmet and Carlisle ceased as both boys turned to look at me. "What?" Carlisle asked, softening his tone.

"He was taken by a leader named Maria and used in the coven wars that happened during the Civil War. He didn't ask to be a part of them, and he left as soon as he could. If you have a problem with that, then we'll be on our way."

"Of course, we don't have a problem with that," Carlisle said, glaring at Emmet. "I heard stories of what happened there, and I can't believe you lived through it. You look so young."

"I'm 19," Jasper told him, glancing from behind my back.

"Still," Carlisle continued. "That must have been awful."

"You okay?" Emmet asked, surprising us all. He had gone from angry and aggressive to kind and gentle in a moment.

"I'm good," Jasper answered. "I've been better since meeting Anna."

With everyone calming down, I lowered my force field, hopeful to find peace. Edward gave the three of us an odd look, but I assumed it meant he could read our minds once again. Our group slowly eased into a conversation, learning more about each other in a friendly environment. Both Jasper and Alice slowly made their way from behind my back to sitting with the others. While everyone else was deep in conversation, Carlisle and I slipped away to have our own talk. He led me to a room I assumed was his office space.

"Nice room," I told him, looking at the bookshelves filled with every book imaginable. "Can the others hear us from here?"

"No," he told me, sitting down on his couch. "It's soundproof. They can't hear anything we say in here."

I nodded in understanding before going straight to what I wanted to talk about. "Thank you for letting us in."

"If Edward trusts you, then so do I. His mind reading hasn't led us astray yet."

I laughed slightly, thinking about Alice and her visions. "I know what you mean."

"Why exactly did Alice see you coming to us?" Carlisle asked me. "Why not another coven?"

"It's the fact that you don't live off humans," I told him honestly. "Jasper can't handle it anymore, and I'm afraid he'll do something drastic if I don't find a way to help him."


"It's his power. He feels every emotion those around him feel, and he can't turn it off. Even if we chase down and kill those who deserve it, he feels how scared they are when he kills them."

"That's awful. I'll try and help him as much as I can," he told me. "I felt something similar when I went looking for answers, but I can't imagine feeling everything they felt." We both lapsed into a comfortable pause, neither of us sure what to say. Carlisle decided to continue. "You obviously view them as your kids."

"I can't help it," I answered. "They both came to me so helpless, and I just want them to be happy. Whatever that takes, I'm willing to do it. I'm sure you would do the same for the rest of them."

"Of course, I would. And it seems the best for all of them might be that you guys stay here with us for a while."

"The best for all of them?" I questioned.

"I know you can't tell, but I've never seen Edward as happy as he is talking to Alice about their powers. He's always been the odd one out with us, but he seems to understand her and her power."

"You're sure it's okay if we stay?" I asked, not wanting to cause a problem.

"Of course," Carlisle responded. "We've got the room to spare."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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