2- One of Us

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I spent a while getting used to my new vampire life. I learned quickly and adapted the best I could to this ever-changing reality. I knew that I had been changed into a vampire for a reason; I just had to find it. So, I traveled all over the world, learning all I could.

I met many different vampires, some in covens and some wandering alone as nomads. They taught me everything there was to know about being a vampire. Of course, the first thing I learned was how to control my thirst for blood. I learned quickly how to get it under control and how to search out for lowlife and scumbags to drink from. I was unwilling to harm an innocent person, so I got good at finding criminals who deserved to be punished.

My enhanced abilities were an exciting thing to discover. Super speed, hearing, sight, and strength came in handy when trying to travel while remaining unseen by people. I also learned about different powers other vampires possessed while discovering that I had my own. Some vampires were simply faster or stronger, while others had unique abilities, like telekinesis, mind reading, and elemental control. I learned that I could create force fields and block attacking powers.

I also learned about The Volturi, otherwise known as the vampire royalty. Aro, Caius, and Marcus sounded like three vampires I wanted to avoid, but I found myself too curious to keep away. That's how I found myself in Volterra, Italy, one summer night. While I wasn't sure where exactly they were, I was hopeful that if I wandered around enough, I would find them.

My plan worked perfectly, and I found myself face to face with a member of their guard, Jane. After explaining myself to her, she led me to meet the three kings.

"My dear Jane," Aro said as we walked into the room. "It seems you have found a guest. Who is this?"

"This is Anna," Jane replied, gesturing to me as we reached the middle of the room. "She has come here to meet you."

"And what do you hope to gain, Anna?" Caius asked me, watching me intently.

"Just to meet you," I replied. "I have heard a lot about you from others, but I wanted to see you for myself."

"What an extraordinary idea," Marcus said. "I like the way you think already."

"Approach," Aro told me, holding his hand out for me to take. "I'm sure you've heard about my power and wouldn't be opposed to me getting to know you."

"Of course not," I replied, stepping forward and placing my hand in his. I knew he could read my every thought with one touch, but I had nothing to hide from him. My intentions were pure.

After a moment's hesitation, a smile formed on Aro's face. "You've had an interesting journey, young Anna," he told me, letting go of my hand. "But I can tell, with your powers, you will be an interesting vampire indeed."

From there, I got to know The Volturi and their guard a little more, understanding their perspective and where they were coming from. I found their company enjoyable, and it seemed Aro felt the same about me.

"Why don't you stay," Aro suggested. "We have plenty of room. And if you wished, I would be honored to have you on my guard."

"Thank you, Aro," I replied, shocked at his suggestion. "But I think I should be going. I really only meant to pass by here. I feel I have a calling somewhere else."

"As you wish," Aro answered. "Just know, if you ever change your mind, the offer still stands."

"Good to know," I told him. "You know, you're nicer than I thought you would be."

"Well," Aro replied. "You're one of us now, and we like to look after our own; just as long as you follow our rules, we're not that bad of people."

I left soon after before journeying around once again. I soon found myself in Canada, hiding up in the north, where I came across a newborn traveling on his own. I took the poor boy under my wing, wanting to make the transition as easy as possible for him. He seemed scared, and I soon learned he was changed randomly by a random vampire, just as I had been. After a while of traveling with me, he seemed to relax into this new life of his before going on his way to see the world just like I had done, but more prepared than I had been.

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