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"Welcome Mr. Millan.", the owner of the shop greeted me. "How's the business going?", I ask him. "It is doing well.", he nodded and lead us further into the store. "Alicia?", I called out for her. "Yes?", she replied and quickly stepped up next to me. "Could you take a look at the dresses? I want your opinion on this collection.", I told her. "Sure.", she smiled and made her way through the store.

"May I ask you a question?", the owner asked. I nodded for him to proceed. "Are you sure she knows what she's looking at?", he asked me. "She probably has more knowledge than you considering that you are in immense debt due to no sales in the past months.", I glared at him.

She came up to me and tugged on my sleeve to talk to me privately. "These are terribly made. I'm talking wrong sewing technique on wrong materials. I mean look at this.", she said pulling a random dress out of the racks. "This cut on this fabric is bound to make you look like a pig. I mean even a potato sack would look better. The puffy sleeves on this fabric makes you look like you out two balloons on your shoulders.", she explained picking the dress apart to the bone of it. "This whole collection is bound to destroy your companies image. I mean you stand for quality and perfection. None of this says either of that.", she sighed. I nodded.

"Get yourself new designers who know what they are doing before I have to close this whole thing down.", I told the guy who looked at us curiously. "What? Why?", he said. "Look at this this is great quality.", He pointed. "The seams are barely holding on to the fabric. For this type of fabric you need to stitch it twice.", Alicia piped in. He looked at the dress and then at her in surprise. "We'll get going now. Figure this shit out.", I told him and lead us out of the store.

When we got out of the store we were met with a huge crowd of people. I started walking when I realized she wasn't with me. I looked around for her until I felt someones hand in mine guiding me away from the crowd. "Come on this way.", she smiled at me as my heart started pounding in my chest from all the loud noises and the amount of contact with everybody around me. I gripped her hand tighter and sped up my pace to get to my car quicker.

We were stopped in front of a huge crowd of people watching something. "Excuse us, could we please pass through?", she asked politely only to get ignored by that man. "Get out of her fucking way.", I hissed at the guy. He still ignores us. "Cazzo.", I hissed and shoved him to the side passing through the crowd with her by my side. When got through the crowd I pulled her to walk next to me. "Could we please walk a little slower?", she asked me. "Why?", turned to her. "Heels.", was all she said. I turned her around and picked her up. "Well this works too I guess."; she shrugged and hugged me placing her head on my shoulder. "Did you plan this?", I asked her. "Nope.", she shook her head. "Wanna go to the beach?", I asked her. "Sure.", she nodded as I placed her on her feet in front of the car.


She put the towels into the beach bag with a few water bottles and sun screen. "Ready?", I asked her. "Just a minute. I have to put my bathing suit on.", she said as she placed the bag on the floor next to the door and entered the bathroom. "You could've changed in front of me. I wouldn't mind.", I called out to her. The door opened and she threw her dress at me. "I'd like the panties more.", I said with a smirk plastered on my lips. "Who thought my boss could make jokes?", she laughed and closed the door. "Who said I was joking?", I asked her and sat up from the bed as she walked out of the bathroom.

She slipped a satin beach dress over her head and nodded towards the door. "I hope you took something to change with you.", she pointed out as we left the room with both the dogs with us. "I won't need anything. My grandfather built a beach house I go to each year. I have clothes there.", I told her and took the bag from her placing it on my shoulder. "You sure you want to carry that? Wouldn't it be a little embarrassing for people to see you with a womans bag?", she asked me as we entered the elevator. "As if they would have the balls to talk to me about that.", I shrugged. "But still.", she shrugged. "I don't care about other peoples opinion. If I wanted I would walk around with a dress and nobody could say anything about that.", I told her and left the elevator.

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