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I opened my eyes and turned over to check the time.

2:05 am

I hear screams coming from down the hallway. After getting out of bed I make my way to the source of the screams. Slowly I push the door open and look at Domenico screaming in his sleep.

I quickly make my way over to his bedside and placed my hand on his hand. Dominicos eyes snap open and he jumps up straight, now sitting in bed.

His eyes filled to the brim with tears, all his muscles tense, his fists grabbed onto the bedsheets so hard his knuckles turned white. A tear slipped from his eye down to his chin and further down landing in his lap, on the grey bed sheets forming a dark grey almost black circle. He lets go of the sheets and wipes away the tear.

"I apologize for waking you up. Please go back to bed."; he silently spoke before looking down and burying his face in his hands. I tore away his arms and pulled him into mine, placing his head in the crook of my neck.

It took him a second to realize what I was doing until he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me towards him. His back shuddered as he cried because of whatever has been bothering him. I slowly rubbed his back with one hand while the other rubbed slow small circles under his right ear, like I have seen him do whenever he was in a stressful situation.

He pulls his head out of my grip and looks at me with his bloodshot eyes. "Please don't ever almost die again.", he whispered while tears kept racing down his face. "I'm begging you.I can't lose someone again.", he continued quietly. "I'll try my love.", I whispered and kissed away one of the many tears on his cheek.

I leaned back against the pillows and pulled him on top of me to lay on my chest. "Cry as much as you need. I'm here for you.", I told him with a reassuring smile. He buried his face in my chest hiding from everything on this planet. Like all the prying eyes when he walked down the street, all of the whispering voices when we appeared in a room together, all of the men and women who wanted him dead weren't there. Like they didn't exist. Like they did nothing but disappeared into thin air.

I love this moment almost as much as I love him.


After a good half an hour he stopped shaking and looked at me with red puffy eyes. "Do you want some tea?", I whispered. He shook his head. "You sure? I have this special tea mix I always drink after I cry.", I whispered. "I want to come with you.", he replied. His usually cold and monotone voice was gone and replaced with one that was filled with sadness and abandonment.

I nodded and pulled him out of bed. He slightly pulled me back signaling me to wait. Her draped a blanket over his shoulder and then wrapped his arms around me. "Ready?", I asked him slightly chuckling. He nodded and we made our way to the kitchen.

He trailed after me like a lost puppy while I filled up the tea kettle and prepared two cups of tea. The kettle started whistling signaling me to pour the hot water into the two cups of wild berry tea. I added two spoons of regular white sugar, a slice of lemon and turned around with the mugs in hand.

He waited for a second blowing on it and taking a sip. "Do you like it?", I asked him. He nodded as he kept taking sips of the tea.

Dom looked adorable, his hair all messy and ruffled up the blanket scrunched up on his shoulders and my pink tea cup in his hands. His eyes left his tea and met mine. Some type of sparkle was in bedded in his eyes reminding me of a child like gaze when they were having the time of their lives.

"I usually drink it on my balcony.", I whispered. He just nodded and kept on sipping on his tea. A comfortable silence settled between us as we drank our tea. He nodded towards the balcony and we made our way there.

He took a seat on the swing and lifted the blanket next to him signaling for me to take a seat. I did and he wrapped the blanket around us.

"I love winter.", I whispered. "Why?", he asked. "It's the coziest of all the seasons. In spring the night are still cold but the days are warm. Summer is pure torture, it's way too hot for my liking and all the insects, Ew.", I explained and looked over at him. "Autumn is my second favorite season, you can do anything you want in autumn. The nights are nice and chilly so are the day, basically you can cuddle the whole day long. But Winter is unbeatable the snow, the Christmas lights, all the family gatherings, Sylvester and of course Valentines day.", I gushed over my favorite season like no tomorrow.

"I understand, in Winter I often go to a Cabin I own in the mountains.", he admitted. "Why do you like to go there so much?", I asked him as I turned my head towards him. "It was like a tradition before my family was killed. We always went in winter to be exact every single weekend. I loved it there.", he explained looking down into his mug. "I'm sorry you had to go through that.",I apologized and turned away. "Its okay. I probably would've never met you if it didn't happen.", he smiled slightly.

"What do you mean?", I asked him. "Before you explain that I have to come clean about something.", I stopped him and he opened his mouth to speak. "I'm actually Alessandros daughter.", I sighed. "I know, I just didn't know if you knew. That's why I didn't say anything.", he explained. "Please continue. Sorry for interrupting you."; she sighed.

"Well about 10 years ago me and my family were getting ready to go to that cabin. I had two little siblings, a brother named Gray and a sister named Aurora. My parents sent me to get some snacks for the ride but when I came back I witnessed how my mother was shot. The men who killed them just ran out not giving me a second glance.", he explained as he placed the empty mug down on the table next to the swing.

"Since then I've been plagued by these fucking nightmares. But that doesn't really explain how I would've never met you does it?", he asked leaning back and pulling the blanket tighter so that I was pulled into his chest. "Not really but it's still.", I whispered. "Well if my brother wouldn't have been killed he would be he second in command meaning him being my assistant. Like your father was to my dad even tho they were nothing but close friends.", he explained. I nodded and leaned into his chest.

"How old were they?", I asked him quietly."My brother was eight and my sister five.", he answered. "To be honest. They would've loved meeting you. To my knowledge my father met you when you were just born.", he laughed. "Want to know the story about that one?", he asked me. "I'd love to.", I whispered back.

"Our fathers were in a meeting when your mother called him and told him that she was in the hospital. Alessandro had just gotten his license taken away. He wouldn't have given a fuck about driving without a license but he was under surveillance so my father drove him to the hospital. After you were born he got to meet you and he told me that he had never in all the years he had known Alessandro seen him so happy as in that moment when he held you for the first time.", he told me.

"Imagine what it must've felt like. I mean hold you own kid for the first time.", I spoke looking at the stars. "I imagine it being a magical moment. I don't know how to explain it. You know the moment when you fall in love with someone?", I asked him. He nodded while looking at me. "Just like that but a million times more intense.", I told him.

"And to be honest I think you'd be a great father.", I whispered leaning my head on his shoulder and placing a small kiss on his collar bone. "You'd be the best mother a child could ever ask for. You'd be the perfect wife anyone could ever wish of. You are the best and most perfect human I know.", he said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his lap. "Thank you for everything you have ever done for me.", he thanked me and placed a kiss on my head.

"You know something I noticed about you.", he started off and placed his hand on my ankle. "You love it when I massage your ankles.", he told me and started pressing on them and rubbing them slowly. "I probably love that the most about you.", he whispered.



I'll from now on be updating more because I finally got back to this. So yeah. About the covers. Uhm well the program I use to create them is having a few issues just like tablet I use so for now I'll only be adding pictures and as soon as they form I'll add the actual covers.

Love you all Stay healthy and hydrated.

Ps. This isn't corrected yet so excuse any spelling mistakes I'll fix them.😃

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