Tall, handsome, unrivaled IQ and EQ. He could instant-kill 100 Huo Wencheng!

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“Mother and daughter Gu went straight over to their place but Mr. Gu wasn’t home at the time.

“His newly wedding wife and kid were home. Madam Gu was stunned when she saw them.”

“Newly wedding wife?”

Gu Shishi was super entertained as the story unfolded.

She had just taken a sip of the banana milkshake when she was shoved a mouthful of melon.

Her eyes widened.

“Gu Jiangxin married the homewrecker officially?!”

Dang! The efficiency!

Such was one after another without missing a beat at all.

Sitting next to her, Huo Sishen looked up from his stack of documents and frowned.

He reached out and pulled her shawl that had slipped off of her shoulder from her excitement back over her.

“Don’t do more than just listening to stories on this man.”

What homewrecker? That sounded so crude and was not a good word for her to use.


Gu Shishi nodded but winked at Sier.

Hurry up and go on!

Sier was fairly interested as well. He has not had as much contact with Miss Gu as Siyi did.

But Siyi had been filling him in every night.

By now, even as a man, he felt bad for what Miss Gu had gone though and really looked down upon Gu Jiangxin’s behavior as a father.

So now he was very happy to share unfortunate stories of Gu Jiangxin to appease Miss Gu, the now Mrs. Huo.

“That homewrecker...”


Huo Sishen’s voice was cold.

Sier rubbed his nose. “Em, the woman that Gu Jiangxin was having an affair with was his new secretary. She needed money for her mother’s hospital bill so she had been with Gu Jiangxin since and words had it that she had gotten pregnant accidentally.

“Gu Jiangxin wanted her to have an abortion originally but she sneakily had a friend performed a test on the gender of the fetus. She showed the result to Gu Jiangxin after she learned that it was a boy.”

“Oh? Then he had a change of heart?”

Still sipping on her milkshake, Gu Shishi reached over to the blueberry cookies next to her.

She bit down on a cookie and looked at Sier with thick interest.

Sier nodded. “He had always wanted to have a son but he never let it got to his head. There was no way that Madam Gu would accept a child from an unknown mother. If he was to get a divorce, Madam Gu and her family would never let him see the light of day.

“But the home... pregnant secretary said all she wanted was money. She’d keep the child herself. She was not after the role of his wife.”

Gu Shishi parted her lips a little.

This homewrecker had the high and mighty moral standard of a concubine from historical times.

Five million yuan. The same cost as having someone carry your child for you overseas.

Naturally, Gu Jiangxin thought that it was a good deal. After all, having someone carrying his child for him overseas did not come with all the pleasurable nights that he had enjoyed.

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